The begining

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Platform 9 3/4 wasn't hard to find with the help of her parents. Ciana was an American witch, but her parents were British. According to technical terms she was both American and British but America was all she had known until now. Everything was changing now that her parents chose to move back and she wasn't sure whether it would be for better or worse.
As she boarded the train she wondered if she would find any friends here. Her best friend was on another Continent and an ocean away. Distracted, Ciana ended up in a compartment with three boys, two of them dark haired and one handsome boy with whitish blonde hair.
"Who are you?" He asked with pursed lips, "And what's your blood status?"
Ciana could tell he was one of the few wizards that prioritized blood status so she lied, "My name is Ciana and I'm a pureblood of course, and you?"
"Pureblood as well" He responded clearly pleased with her answer, "I am in Slytherin, what house are you a part of?"
"I haven't been sorted yet" Ciana said sighing, "I just moved here."
"Where are you from then?" He stated.
"America." She replied, "I miss my friends but this was inevitable. My mom was originally from Britain and my father was too, so I am American, but technically also a Brit."
"Ahh, I see. Well I hope to see another addition to Slytherin."
"I do too, I've heard good things about it though unfortunately my parents were sorted elsewhere." She said, not really caring much, "So who are you?"
"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."
- - -
Ciana?" Someone said nudging her, "we're here."
"Oh, hmm we're here," she said bolting up right, blushing from sleep.

They soon departed the train and were led inside to the great hall. The ceiling was higher than Ilevermorny's great hall and had a more sublime atmosphere than the warm and cheerful appearance of her old school. The ceiling was filled with floating candles and charmed to look like the night sky. Dumbledore was standing at the podium and began the tradition greeting before things moved on to the sorting.

"Good luck, though I'm sure a pureblood like you will end up in Slytherin like I have. All the best witches and wizards do." Draco explained with a smug grin.

"Yeah, of course, a pureblood like me..." She said with an awkward smile, thankfully she was spared by the start of sorting.

After a few minutes the 1st years were all sorted. Ciana was called last because she wasn't a first year, but since she was moving to Hogwarts, she had to be sorted again. She sat down on the stool as the hat was placed on her head.

"Hmmm, quiet...very ambitious...very smart. Cunning, but doesn't really show it outside. Unsurprisingly clever and adventurous. I say SLYTHERIN!" The hat shouted.

Ciana hoped she would be in Slytherin mostly because the only person she knew was in that house. She soon realized that she would have to keep up the appearance that she was a pureblood. It would be difficult but she knew she was cunning enough to do it as long as necessary.

"You're lucky you get to be in a house such as great as mine," Draco bragged.

"I see why most people were surprised I talked to you." She said laughing.

"Hey, that's offensive." Draco replied clutching his heart.

"Oh, I see your the drama queen in this house." Ciana answered chuckling.

Draco rolled his eyes at that comment, then Dumbledore made a few announcements.

"Do you want me to show you around?" Draco asked

"Sure," she said and they sneaked out of the great hall together.

Draco showed her first the bathrooms, then the moving staircases, and lastly the common room. The password was apparently 'snake breath'.

"This is our common room, Nothin special." He sighed.

"It's a lot for a muggle like me to take in," Ciana gasped, and Draco's face paled white for a second.
Ciana noticed and asked, "What's wrong?"

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