Summer party

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This evening was the party; some of the best people in the wizarding world would be there.

"So, Draco, fancy getting drunk?" Ciana joked.

"Nah, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to keep our little secret," he replied kissing her swiftly.

"You mean YOU wouldn't be able to keep our secret," she scoffed.

"Sooo, why don't we go hang out in the pool..." He said changing the subject.

"Ugh, whatever," She laughed.

They hung out in the pool for about two hours; playing games like Marco Polo and pool basketball. Then it was time for the formal. Ciana changed into a stunning green and silver heels and Draco changed into a and green bow tie.

He sucked in a breath as an angel descended from the steps leading up to his room. A silver emerald necklace around her neck; the necklace he had given her as a gift for becoming his girlfriend. The emerald green dress was unrevealing yet made her look even sexier than ever before. He could hardly believe that she was his. A majestic angel fallen from above.

She smiled as she noticed that he looked more handsome than ever. She loved him and his looks just increased her love for him.

He stood there staring like a fool until he regained his focus and walked over to her.

All of the sudden her stomach turned and she ran searching for a bathroom; her face starting to turn as green as her dress.

"Are you ok?" He asked nervously.

"I...I..." She stuttered and then barfed right onto his shoes,"Don't feel well..."

"Ughh, that's disgusting!" He shouted, regretting it immediately.

"Well, it's not like I could help..." She started her stomach lurching again,"uuhhh, it,"

"Its ok, I'll take you to one of our guest rooms and have a house elf check the food we had for lunch."

"Ok, you should go to the party, enjoy yourself, I..."

This time he guided her to the bathroom this time.

She retched once more than continued,"One of the House-elves can take care of me."

"I will personally have my father's take care of you, his name is Dobby!"

"thanks," Ciana answered grinning weakly.

"I love you, it's really nothing," he replied.

"Here's a good room for you to stay in." He said helping her to the bed and tucking her in.

"Thanks again,"

"DOBBY!" he called.

"Yes, master Dobby is here to help," A small round-eyed house-elf answered.

"I need you to take care of miss Colegate here,"

"Yes master, Dobby will help her sir."

"Thank you again," Ciana told Draco as he kissed her on the forehead and said goodbye.

He walked down to the party and immediately felt bad for being there without her. He didn't want to deal with the guilt so he asked the waiter for a glass of champagne and downed it quickly taking another one. He sat in a corner drinking, until a pretty girl about his age, asked him for a Dance. He was practically delirious from all of the champagne and the girl flirted with him the whole time they danced. She danced with him until she had to leave, and then she leaned in and kissed him passionately.

She was feeling better so she cleaned up, hoping to catch Draco for a dance. She redid her makeup and straightened out her dress and hair. Ciana carefully walked down the steps hoping that Draco was having a good time, at least she thought she did until she reached the bottom of the steps. He was there, obviously drunk and sitting in a corner kissing a girl she had never seen before. Tears slipped from her eyes making her mascara run, but she didn't care, rushed up to the room she had been in before and slammed the door, crying softly.

Humming, Narcissa cleaned up while Draco slept on the couch.

"Mrs. Malfoy?" Ciana called.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I need to talk to you," Ciana whispered.

"Come here then," Narcissa answered motioning to the second couch across the room,"we can sit there."

"Draco, him and I, ya know, we're together?"

"Yes, I'm afraid you're the only one he'll even love."

"Yes, well last night Draco, drunk, and...he kissed a girl that wasn't me..." She choked

"Oh, honey, I can talk to him for you once he wakes up and recovers from his hangover."

"T...thank you," Ciana replied starting to sob.

"Go and take a hot bath it will calm you down." She advised

"Yes, I will."

She hurried into the guest bathroom and slipped out of her clothes, turning the water on in the grand bath. Pouring bubble bath into the water she sighed and climbed in. Why did Draco have to be so foolish and get himself drunk? She let herself drift into a dreamless sleep until she went under.

"Ughhhhhhhh," Draco moaned, his head was pounding and he hazily remembered the events of the evening before.

He tried to sort out the thoughts and really think about what happened. Let's see he had danced with Ciana and then kissed her, right?

"Ugggghhhh," he moaned again as he realized that it wasn't Ciana that he had kissed.

"Draco," his mum whispered.


"We need to talk,"

"about what?"

"Ciana and the issue from last night, do you remember,"

"mhhh is it about that other girl...."

"Yes, hun, I know you were drunk but Ciana is taking it really hard."


"Plus your father did specifically say that you were NOT allowed to drink last night."

"I was disappointed that Ciana was sick and couldn't be there, and now I just caused bigger problems than disappointment." He frowned.

"Maybe you should be the one to talk to her, you are her boyfriend," Narcissa whispered as Lucious entered,"Go!"

Ciana climbed out of the bath and slipped on some slippers, and quickly put her hair in a messy bun.

"Ciana?" He said peering into the guest room that she had slept in last night.

"What!" A voice said sharply from behind him.

"C! I..I...just please listen. Can we talk." He stuttered.

"Why would I want to talk to a drunk." She replied emphasizing the work drunk.

"Please just..." he trailed as she shut the door in his face.

She cried softly, writing a letter to Sarah:

Dear Sarah,

I can't wait till you come next week! Draco got drunk at the Malfoy summer party and ended up kissing a random girl!! I'm really upset right now, but I know I need to forgive him but... Love you, Sar!

-Sincerely your bestie C

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