awkward day(te)

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She dressed in her robes and hurried to the closet near the Slytherin common room. It was time for her date. Her heart beat loudly in her chest when she saw Dylan smiling as she rounded the corner.

"Sarah, I almost thought you weren't coming," he beamed.

"Hey, Dylan," she greeted with a halfhearted smile.

"Whats wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"I don't know how to say this, but..." she sighed, "I just got back together with my ex-boyfriend, Lewis."

"Oh," He said his face falling.

"Do you still wanna talk?" She asked.

"Sure," Dylan replied and Sarah thought she saw a strange glint in his eyes.

"So...." Sarah sighed.


"Hmm hmm."

"I risked everything to come here today!" Dylan yelled suddenly angry, "My reputation, my friends, and my house pride!"

"What?" Sarah yelled scrambling up to get away from him.

"You, I've been watching you for weeks; waiting for the perfect moment to ask you out, but no! You had to make up with your STUPID ex, Lewis Crane." He screamed, pushing her against the closet wall.

She could feel his breath on her face. His eyes crazy now.

He was pressing the full weight of his body on hers now. She tried to cry out but she couldn't. He forcefully pushed his lips against hers, making her moan in pain. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

He finally let go and she crumpled to the floor.

"Help!" She screamed.

"I don't think so," Dylan said sneered clamping his hand over her mouth.

She struggled but managed to scream "help" just once more.

*2 minutes earlier

Lewis walked down to the Slytherin common room to meet Draco and play some wizards chess.

"Help!" He hears a familiar voice scream, it was Sarah.

His eyes searched until he found the door to a closet off of the hall.

He ripped the door open and saw a crazy-eyed boy clamping a hand over Sarah's mouth.

He didn't even think and punched the boy as hard as he could.

she watched as tears still streamed down her cheeks. Lewis fought Dylan, with much success being around 2 years older.

"You mess with my girlfriend EVER again and I will do MUCH worse than a few punches to your face," Lewis yelled flushed with anger.

"Are you all right?" He asked, his voice now soft.

"Y...yeah, I guess." Sarah sobbed hugging Lewis for dear life.

"Did he hurt you?"

"A little..."

"It'll be ok," he said lifting her face up to his and kissing her softly, "I'll notify Professor McGonagall about Dylan."

"Thanks, I really love you," Sarah replied still sobbing.

"I love you too, I will forever and we will get through this."

"Your attention, please! I would like to say a few words. Dylan Krouss has been expelled for harassing another student; I will have a meeting with the professor soon about keeping a better eye on students. Also, Eternal glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the tri-wizard tournament. But to do this that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks." Dumbledore explained

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