platform 9 3/4

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Today was the day, the last day that Sarah would see Lewis for 3 months, and possibly the last day Ciana would see Draco for 3 months. They all boarded the train in sad moods.

"You know I love you right?" Lewis asked gripping Sarah's hand tightly.

"of course I do," She answered kissing him.

"I'll miss you! Owl me whenever you ask your parents about staying at your house for a while over the summer." Ciana said holding back tears.

"It'll be ok, I'm sure they'll say yes." He comforted pulling her close and kissing her forehead.

"I hope so, and even if your parents say yes I'm not sure if mine will," Ciana said her face falling.

"Don't worry; I don't like to see you sad," Draco said.

They eventually got to kings cross station and both Sarah and Ciana were crying.

"I'll miss you, owl me every day!" Sarah shouted over the noise giving Lewis a quick kiss.

"Miss you, owl me with details!" Ciana shouted back giving him a long kiss, knowing her parents were out of view.

"Bye!" Sarah said hugging her and then Draco; even though he resisted"

"Bye!" Ciana said to Sarah and Lewis hugging them both.

- - -

Dear Ciana,

I miss you and really miss your snogging. Also, my parents said it would be ok if you stayed with us this July in 2 weeks until July 31st I'm very excited to see if you can stay with us.

Love, yours, Draco Malfoy

She almost screamed as she read the letter, she could stay with Draco! All she had to do was ask her mum and dad.

"Mum!" she called.

"What is it dear?" Mrs. Colegate asked.

"I just got invited to my, erm, friend, Draco's house for a few weeks! Please say I can go!" Ciana begged.

"This Draco fellow, is he JUST a friend?" She asked in a stern tone.

"Yeah, just a friend!" She lied,"So can I go??"

"I'll have to talk to your father when he gets home from work in an hour." She explained, "But as long as he's just a friend then its fine with me."

Ciana hurried back up to her room and wrote as fast as she could:

Dear Draco,

My mum is ok with it as long as we're just friends. Which of course I lied and told her we were. She still has to talk to my dad but I'm pretty sure I can go! So excited to snog your face off, as Sarah would put it, Love you.

Love, FOREVER yours, Ciana Channel Colegate

an hour later...

"Daaad!" Ciana yelled rushing out to meet her father.

"Hi sweetie, what do you want? You haven't done that in years," he said laughing.

"is it that Obvious?" She asked grinning.

"kind of, so what is it?" He asked hugging her.

"My friend Draco, from Hogwarts, invited to stay at his manor for a couple weeks, mum's ok with it what about you?" She explained quickly.

"Is he JUST a friend," he asked

"Yes, so can I go?"

"I don't see why not, owl or whatever you do and get the boy's address."

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