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"This year Hogwarts has the honor of hosting the Triwizard Tournament!" Dumbledore announced, "Now for those of you who do not know, the tri-wizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single contestant is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint-hearted, but more of that later. For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime.

A group a beautiful young ladies sauntered in wearing fancy, blue dress suit uniforms.

"Oi! Those are some hot girls!" Draco exclaimed.

"Oi, those are some hot girls," Ciana mocked, "Yeah, some 'hot' girls that aren't your girlfriend!"

"There way out of your league anyway," Lewis scoffed.

"Oh yeah like there anywhere near yours!" Sarah shot.

"Oi, look, here's a girl who hasn't found herself a date after...hmmm.....about a month."

"Yeah like you had any better luck, and for your information, I enjoy being single."

"I have way better luck, in fact, I went on several dates,"

"Yeah, and did any of them want to go on more than one," Sarah scoffed and rushed out of the room.

"LEWIS! I know you guys aren't dating anymore, but you don't have to be a jerk," Ciana whisper-yelled.

"Mind your own business, C." He replied sharply.

"Tell me what happens," Ciana whispered to Draco, "I'll be back in a few,"

He nodded and she hurried to find Sarah.

"Sar, you ok?" She asked reaching her hand out to help Sarah up.

"Go away," Sarah mumbled.

"It'll be ok, I'll tell Lewis to shove off," She whispered sliding down beside her.

"No, don't, I'll be fine, it's my fault anyway."

"what do you mean?"

"I brought up the fact that we," She sighed, "...were too...too perfect to last,"

"It can't be your fault Sar, he ended the relationship not you,"

"But...I started the domino effect."

"C'mon, we should go back, show him your strong!"

"I guess,"

"Oi! C, the boys from Durmstrang were introduced,"

"Great, that means we can eat and go back to our place, the cave"

"Oh, I was thinking about that. Do you want to just sneak some food out and go there now; I mean cause it's our first night back so we should get good sleep."

"sure, even though I know this is just an excuse to be alone with me," she laughed.

They snuck out changed and swam swiftly to the cave.

"mmmmh, it's great to be back!" She sighed

"You sure do,"

"Draco! What did I just say?"

"That you have a great butt,"

She slapped him across the face and said, "Well now I know what's important to you, our first time alone since July and you have to start on your comments."

"that hurt!" He yelped.


"I just, come here,"

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