Sarah and Lewis

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Everyone was called to the great hall and Dumbledore made an announcement, "There is a new student here at Hogwarts, her name is Sarah Bailey, she is from America and attended Ilvermorny. Her previous house was Thunderbird, but she will be sorted into a Hogwarts house today."

Ciana gasped and smiled, Sarah was a few years older than her and was her best friend in America! Professor McGonagall hurried up to the stool where Sarah sat bringing the sorting hat with her. Sarah took the hat from McGonagall and placed it on her head.

it said thoughtfully." Hmmm... loyal to her friends, oooh cruel to her enemies, brave, intelligent, ah here's what I was looking for, very determined. I SAY HUFFLEPUFF!"

"She was my best friend back in America," Ciana whispered to Draco.

"How was she in Thunderbird!" He almost shouted in disgust.

"Draco Lucious Malfoy, you will not make fun of my friends!" She whispered loudly punching him hard in the arm.

"Oww!" He yelped causing laughter from nearby students.

The crowd cleared and Ciana found Sarah somehow, except a Gryffindor named Christa was already talking to her.

"I can show you around, Sasha?" Ciana overheard her tell Sarah in an overly sweet voice.

"Actually, I know her from when I lived in America, I can show her around." She interrupted.

"Umm, excuse me I was talking to Sasha hear and don't interrupt." She said annoyed

"stupid Slytherins," Christa mumbled under her breath.

"I think I'll have Ciana show me around, but thanks," Sarah said briskly.

They walked away and made fun of how stupid Gryffindors were.

"I seriously don't know how she was put in Gryffindor anyway! She's such a bully." She stated.

"I know, and why does Slytherin have such a bad rep? Sarah asked.

"A few bad wizards have come out of the house one particularly evil, I'll tell you about him well I show you around!" Ciana explained walking towards the big hallway leading away from the great hall.

Once Ciana started showing Sarah the staircases, where the led, and how they moved, she started explaining about the evil wizard from Hogwarts.

"His name was Tom. Tom Marvolo Riddle. He was a Slytherin, quiet and seemed well enough. Until a professor told him about something called Horcruxes. Professor Horace Slughorn told Tom that to create a Horcrux you must murder someone (because that splits your soul) and put a piece of your soul into something. Tom created his first one at age 16 by murdering his father. He hated his father because he hated muggles. His mother was an heir of Salazar Slytherin, the creator of the Slytherin house." Ciana explained.

"wow, that's intense, is he still out there?" Sarah asked gasping.

"No, we're safe... for now." She answered, "ok, you should probably go to your common room I'll help you find a Hufflepuff prefect."

They found a prefect and went their separate ways; they would see each other tomorrow because Slytherin and Hufflepuff have divination together.

"ugh, Sarah is such a prat! And a teacher's pet..." Christa yell-whispered to one of her friends (more like pets).

Sarah blushed and looked at Ciana for help.

"Ignore her, other Gryffindor's freakin hate her so why not a Hufflepuff too," Ciana replied trying to comfort a very insecure Sarah.

"Yeah it's just right now she's dating a seventh year! I want to barf and be jealous at the same time!" Sarah cried.

"Quiet down over there!" Sybil hushed, continuing their current divination lesson on how to use a teacup and tea leaves to tell the future.

"Shhh!" Christa also hushed looking very smug.

Ciana squinted in the dark as she searched for the source of the crying she heard.

"Lumos," she whispered pushing the darkness that surrounded her away.

Then she saw her, a tall red-headed girl with her head buried in her knees.

"Sarah?" She whispered.

"Go away!" Sarah sobbed.

Ciana knelt down and sat beside her crying friend, "What happened?"

"Christa... she caught me, ugh I can't tell you," Sarah whispered.

"Just tell me I'm your best friend, it'll be okay."

"She caught me...spying on Senneca Arvis," Sarah mumbled blushing.

Ciana felt a feeling of resentment and longing well up in her chest even though she and Senn had broken up 2 weeks and 4 days ago. Why did she still feel this way, she fancied Draco, not Senn! Ciana pushes those thoughts out of her mind and spoke, "It's ok, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve; remember the infamous Thunderbird incident last year?"

"Ciana!" She whisper-yelled

"C'mon it works, you know it!"

"ok, but if we get caught I'm out of the picture."


The infamous thunderbird incident was when Sarah and Ciana sneaked into a prefect's room and cast several spells to shut them up about a secret map they had stolen from the Ilvermorny headmaster.

"Lets do it tonight!" Ciana whisper-yelled again.

"ok, just lets go," Sarah hesitated

First, they bribed a sly, horrible Gryffindor into giving them the house passcode and then the sneaking began. They snuck into the common room, and up to the girls' dormitory.

"Shhh!" Ciana hushed

"You shhh!" Sarah whispered

They hurried to cast a variety of spells and making sure that Christa could not tell anyone especially Senn about what she saw.

The next morning while eating breakfast Ciana overheard a Boy, that had just gotten back from a family emergency, trying to sit with some of his Ravenclaw members. She remembered that his name was Lewis; and walked over to him.

"Hey, uhhhh, Lewis?" Ciana asked

"Do I know you?" Lewis countered

"No, but do you want to sit with me?" She asked

"I guess." He replied

Ciana then heard someone yell (it was Christa)," Eww nerd boy is going to sit with a dirty little Slytherin!"

"I'll just...." Lewis trailed off and rushed out of the great hall.

She shot a look at Sarah and they both followed him.

"Lewis!" Ciana called reaching out to touch his shoulder.

"Get away from me! I already have enough trouble fitting in." He shouted pulling away

"Wait..." Sarah Called and he stopped

"Wait for me in the great hall," She whispered to Ciana.

"What?" He sighed frustrated.

"I...I....just want," she sighed," I know what it's like to not fit in."

"I guess we can... talk," Lewis sighed giving in.

They talked about how they don't fit in and eventually went into the great hall and sat by Ciana and Senneca.

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