le tricheur

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"Hello, Natasha," Draco whispered from behind her

"Are we still going to Hogsmeade tonight?" she asked.

"Of course, my father is pleased that I am seeing you," he replied politely.

"How long will we have to fake this?" Natasha asked.

"Just until my father grows tired of my dating life."

"OK, because Ren has a crush on me and I really like him."

"Mhh, Ciana and I will be together soon and I will tell her everything, than you can fake cheat on me by going out with him. That way the only people who will know our relationship is fake are Ciana and Ren."

- - -

Sarah watched out the window of her dorm. She witnessed Draco and Tasha meeting up and sighed. 'He's such a dick!' She thought. Though it was all circumstantial evidence, it looked pretty solid. Draco wouldn't know what hit him and his plan would crumble underneath his feet... bringing Ciana down with him. Or would Draco get to tell his side first? Sarah watched them as they headed to hogsmeade. She wanted to rush to Ciana and tell her everything, but Dumbledore had been extra secure of dorms lately. Her head hurt with all the ways she could tell Ciana.

- - -

Draco and Natasha hated this but knew that it would help their fate. Lucious was dependent on this family bond and so was Feral (Natasha's father). This would bring their families together and help secure the death eaters. Draco and Tasha just wanted their families off their backs. They decided that the best way to get their families off their back was to make a big scene and then tone it down. Neither of them wanted to makeout with the other. Especially so publicly.
"I love this!" Tasha exclaimed, even though mentally she was yelling 'I HATE THIS!'
"I love being with you." He whispered.
'I wish it was Ciana...' he thought.
"Screw this."
"Why do we care about our parents?"
"Because they hold control of our futures, Natasha."
"Who says?"
"They have our inheritance. And control if we live or die by Voldemort's hand."
Natasha redresses quickly.
"We're death eaters, they can't hurt us."
"You know no one is ever safe. Has Ciana seen your mark?"
"No and she won't for as long as I can keep it from her."
"You should tell her now. Being honest will hurt less then her just finding out."
"You're right but I have to deal with my father. He'll always hate her."
"You're right we have to do this."
Tasha once again grabs his face. They kiss. Not a kiss of love, but a kiss filled with fake passion and sensuality. Draco kissed down her neck and left light hickeys. She gasped. Involuntarily, but also embellished a lot. They continued making out in the fountain, letting the water rush over them. Tasha hates this and so did he. It was full of fakery, but it was needed. All they needed to do now was get caught.
"How are we going to get caught?" He whispered.
"I don't know."
They eventually decide to go back to Hogwarts...naked. They held their clothes under their arms and hurried back. They were caught by a very shocked Mcgonagal.
"What the hell are you two doing. And get dressed immediately."
"We just wanted some fun." Tasha smirked.
"Your fathers will be hearing about this and you both get three days detention."
"Ok..." they said in unison.
"Go to your dorms immediately."
They hurried back and went to sleep. They were glad to have succeeded in their 'mission'.

- - -

The minute Draco awoke he rushed to find Ciana. Unfortunately when he saw her she was talking to Sarah.
"Hey Ciana I need to talk to you!" He yelled
She said something inaudible to Sarah and walked over, "What's up dray?"
"Not here." Draco said pulling her back into the common room, "Tasha and I have been seeing each other..."
Her face fell and it broke his heart to see her look that way.
"...but it's not what you think. We've been having a FAKE relationship to get our fathers off our metaphorical backs."
"Believe me, I love you, no one else."
"Yes, and I have something else to tell you."
"I didn't want to tell you so soon but..."
Draco slowly pulled his sleeve up revealing his mark.
"What the heck Draco!"
"I'm sorry I wanted to tell you but I needed to find the right time."
"There isn't a right time. You're on the wrong side." Ciana sighs.
"You really think I like being on the outside. But my father has taught me well."
"Then why are you with me. Your father hates me."
"I don't care if he hates you. But I have to stay on his good side. If he doesn't keep the death eaters happy with me then they might kill me."
"Aren't you over reacting?"
"No I'm not. He was in love with your mother, but it put him in danger and he gave her up to survive. That's why I'm being sneaky because I don't want to have to give you up."
"What if I became...what If I became one?"
"No... it keeps me safe, but it would hurt you more."
"Can we just go back to this?" Ciana sighed, going on her tippy toes and kissing him.
"Mmmh, I'd love to."
"We haven't even kissed in forever!" Ciana groaned.
"We just did right now."
"Can we go up to my dorm and actually kiss?"
'Damn' he thought, 'she was so just wow'
"Well I'm going whether you come or not."
Ciana marched upstairs to her room and flopped on the bed. Draco laughed, following. He laid beside her and after a minute she rolled over on top of him.
"Hey babe." He smiles at the beautiful girl that he didn't deserve.
"Hello." She giggles kissing him lightly.
'I really love him. I don't care if he is on the wrong side. He doesn't have a choice.' Ciana thought.
"We're dead if we're caught..." Draco whispered in her ear grinning.
"Danger makes everything more fun." She whispered back.

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