Dreaming of you

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Ciana fell asleep peacefully and the next thing she knew she was standing outside of hogwarts. Things were in destruction and dust littered the ground. She realized she was standing over someone who was convulsing on the ground. She almost screamed when she realized who it was... Draco. His skin was ashy gray and his eyes, red. His dark mark was moving and writhing under the skin, it was possessing him. That's when she woke up. She screamed and then realized she was back inside hogwarts and safe.

Ciana pondered over the dream whilst she sat through potions and divination and charms, but once she got to lunch it faded out of her mind.

"Hey Draco..." Ciana smiled sitting next to him.

"Hey Babe." he blushed.

He had never called her that before. Butterflies churned through his stomach and he leaned over and pecked her lips. Was this because of his dream? He didn't think a dream could change so much.

~ Draco's dream the previous night ~

Ciana was clothed in white, well not 'clothed' because the garment was almost floating about her. It was magnificent and beautiful. Draco found himself in a grassy meadow, standing at the end of a cloth placed on the ground. Ciana was walking towards him, slowly and majestically. He felt nervous but didn't know why. He looked around and realized that they were not alone, there were people sitting in rows beside the cloth. He wondered why they were there. Draco looked up to find a beautiful trellis covered in vines and flowers. A man stood behind him with a bible and Draco breathed deeply when the realization hit him. This was his wedding. Ciana came to the end of the cloth aisle and stood beside/in-front of him. The priest asked the normal questions and they both answered 'I do'. When the kiss came it was sweet and pure. The purest thing to ever touch his lips was her lips. They pulled away and that is when Draco's eyes fluttered open.

That night Ciana snuggled with him in the common room, he head resting in his lap. She sat up suddenly impulse flowing through her. Ciana climbed into his lap and kissed him, pressing his body against the back of the couch. He was surprised but kissed back, deepening them slowly. She tongue kissed him and sucked his tongue lightly. He groaned into the kiss and she felt his crotch. Draco was obviously hard. Ciana rubbed it and then unbuttoned it quickly. She pulled his length out and starting jerking him off. He moaned loudly and she shushed him by kissing him once more. Ciana got the urge to have him inside her, but she knew it wasn't the right time.

"Can we go up to my dorm?" She whispered.

"Mmh yes." He said excitement and lust in his eyes.

They hurried up to her dorm and kissed passionately upon entering. Ciana and Draco ended up making out on her bed. She laid their after her head on his chest thinking.

"Draco?" She whispered,

"Yeah babe?"

"I want to well I want to have sex."

"With me?"

"No with a turkey, yes with you you bloke." She said rolling her eyes.

"When?" He asked getting his hopes up.

"The day of the third task unless something has happened to Senneca before then becausbeim starting to think my vision was a false premonition." Ciana explained.

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