The second task

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Was today the day of death? He didn't know. Would he lose everything he loved and would they lose him? He wished he knew. He loved Serena so much, more than anyone. Senneca was planning on proposing to her, but now that was impossible.
"Hmm?" He asked distracted.
"Will you be ok?"
"I won't know until I'm down there."
Time goes by and the task begins. Senneca does a bubble head charm and dives in. He gets relatively far until the merfolk attacked him. He struggled slightly but managed past them. Senneca saw Lewis there and his heart hurt. Lewis looked.... dead. He swam quickly and pulled him up to the surface. Everyone was cheering and he thought for a minute that it was at him, but it was a Harry Potter whom had saved Fleur's sister. He sighed, Harry always having to be the hero. Lewis was awaken now and grinning.
"So my half-arsed no brain bloke of a brother actually did it huh?"
"Shut up and yes I did. Be glad I didn't leave you there to rot."the
"Oh I'm sooooo thankful your majesty." Lewis said feigning awe.
Senneca saw Serena waiting for him and ran to her. He picked her up and kissed her deeply. Tears spilled down her cheeks. Ones he knew meant, it wasn't today thank God it wasn't today. The fact
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." She said, "I always will even after the next task."
He knew she couldn't say it. He knew she couldn't say, 'after you're dead.' Senneca wished there was a way to reverse fate and chance the inevitable, but Ciana said it was dangerous and he didn't know (neither did she) how he was going to die.
Ciana snuggled into Draco's arms and read her book. He was adorable with his hair all messed up and his lips slack. She watched him sleep for a minute and then returned to reading. The second task had happened today and the third was already being prepared. Ciana was hoping that they would be able to sneak away during the last event and do it. She hadn't had anymore visions about Senneca's death so she assumed it could have been a false premonition. Professor Trelawney had been talking about them lately and how sometimes 'he who must not be named' sends false visions to people through certain spells.
"Draco?" She whispered.
"Huhhh?" He asked-mumbled, half asleep.
"Are you ok with my plan?"
"What plan?"
"The umm, the uhh, the.... Sex... Plan."
"Oh um yeah uh it's fine it's a good plan."
Ciara pecked his lips lightly and stood, " I should get to bed and so should you. Night babe, I love you."
"I love you too, night."
He got up and went to bed and so did Ciana. She fell asleep quickly even though she planned to read a little longer.
The next morning Draco wondered what it would be like. He wondered how he would feel inside her and how she would feel inside him. He was terrified of one thing. He was scared he would get her pregnant. He didn't know who to ask for condoms and it's not like he was going to ask a professor. Draco made a mental note to mention it to Ciana.
Ciana woke up with a migraine. She didn't want to get out of bed or do anything. Unfortunately right when she was managing to suppress the pain and get to sleep, Draco came running in. She groaned and held her head when he yelled something at her that her brain couldn't process.
"What?" Ciana said.
"We need condoms if we're going to... ya know."
"Oh um I can ask Sarah she might know, or Senneca."
"Ok and what's wrong you look like you're in pain."
"Aww baby," Draco said and stroking her hair softly.
Her eyes closed and she felt sleepy. Draco then got in bed next to her and snuggled her.
"Thanks babe." She whispered.
Hours went by and Ciana's migraine didn't get any better. Draco decided to find Lewis or Sarah to see about condoms.
"Hey Lewis."
"I was actually looking for you,"
"So C and I are in need of uh um rubbers..."
"Senneca can help with that."
"Thank you so much dude!"
Draco went on his when but couldn't find Senneca. He sighed and sat down in the courtyard just watching people. Luna Lovegood sat beside him.
"Hello Draco."
"Oh hey Luna."
"You seem frustrated."
"I am, Ive been trying to find Senneca all day."
"Oh um I- well Ciana and I we um need something from him."
"Rubbers?" She said raising an eyebrow.
"I think I can help you. I have some."
"Not to pry but why?"
Luna blushed and hard, "Umm Neville and I we..."
"Oh... Oh! Well um ok thanks for helping."
Luna walked him to the RavenClaw common room door and entered. She got the condoms and brought them to him. She gave him about 3.
"Thanks Luna, that was a big help."
"Just save me when the death eaters come for hogwarts..." she said with a mysterious emptiness in her eyes.
Draco wonder what that was about but nodded. He knew Voldemort would eventually rule the wizarding world, but would he really come for Harry again? Draco thought that if Voldemort was smart that he would just stay away from Harry so that he wasn't in danger. It wasn't his place to contradict him though, Lord Voldemort knew what he was doing and wouldn't fail again.
Once returning to Ciana, he found her asleep. He set the condoms on the nightstand and snuggled in beside her.
"I love you." Draco whispered into her hair.
She was so beautiful, an angel and she was his.
He couldn't wait until the tomorrow. It was going to be so special. Senneca would be in the last task and during it they would sneak away to the cave. Tomorrow was a day that would change everything.

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