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"Hey, I have a GREAT ship name for you guys!" Ciana exclaimed while eating breakfast, 2 days after they had gotten back from the woods.

"What," Lewis said rolling his eyes

"ooh yeah, I wanna know!" Sarah laughed

"Larah!" Ciana said

"whatever." Lewis mumbled

"it's ok, but now I get to come up with a couple name for Draco and you!" Sarah exclaimed deviously.

"Got it, Drianna!" Lewis said causing Draco to snort orange juice up his nose.

"Hmm I like it, mostly cause it made Dray over there act like a bloke," Ciana chuckled.

"Hey!" Draco protested orange juice dripping out of his nose.

They finished eating and went up to Draco and Ciana's room.

"Hot tub anyone?" Draco asked

"Sure, me and Sar can change in our room; we'll be back in a minute," Lewis said taking a limping Sarah by the hand.

"Where do you want me to change?" Draco asked after Larah left the room.

"I don't really care where." C replied.

She went into his closet and quickly changed.

Ciana dressed in a strappy blue one-piece swimsuit and Draco dressed in white swim trunks.

"You guys ready?" Lewis said peaking his head in the door just after they had finished changing.

"mmmhum...." they replied together.

"mmmmm," Sarah sighed gliding into the water.

"you guys coming?" Ciana asked slipping into the water, eyes closed.

"Yep!" Draco cried.

"sure, I mean I do have one hot red headed babe waiting for me." Lewis joked.

"Lewis!" Sarah replied sharply.

"Well it's true," he sighed putting his hands up and getting in beside her.

Draco took Ciana's hands and jumped over her pulling her under the water and kissed her softly, yet passionately.

"I love you lewis," Sarah said resting her head on his bare shoulder.

"I love you too," he whispered squeezing her hand firmly.

"We may not be as open like Draco and C, but I do love you, a lot."

"Yea, we could be more open like them, but it seems more special when we're not; they don't know everything we've done or how much we love each other."

"I hope we always love each other this much,"

"We Don't fight Sar, we always go at a comfortable pace with our relationship, we trust each other, and always know we love each other, our love is strong."

"I'm glad, I don't ever want to fight like we did at hogwarts."

"Yeah," he whispered and tilted her chin up and softly, slowly lovingly kissed her. Their lips moved together like a machine, in-sync, better than anything they had ever expected.

"Draco?" She asked,"Do you really love me or is it just....attraction,"

"I mean, I do love your kisses and everything but, even more I love your personality, the way you laugh, your smile,"

"It's the same for me; I just wanted to know for sure, cause there was this boy at llivermorny...."

"What happened?"

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