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"Sarah, Sarah!" Ciana said trying to get her best friend's attention.

"What?" Sarah yelled.

"Yeesh! Uptight much, what's wrong?" Ciana asked.

"I can't tell you, and I'm serious this time," Sarah mumbled.

"Ok, you can't tell me then write it down and I'll read it," Ciana suggested

"I KISSED SENNECA OK!" Sarah yelled, a sob catching in her throat.

"Oh...." Ciana sighed but stayed strong," then why aren't you happy?"

"He doesn't care, and he hurt Lewis!" She cried.

"I'll talk to him; straighten things out."

"Ok...What's up with you and Draco?"

Ciana sighed,"I really don't know I want to be his girlfriend, but I don't know if he feels the same way...."

"He does, you talk to Senn and I'll talk to Draco?"

"Sure, and then we'll BOTH talk to Lewis."

"Deal!" Sarah answered shaking Ciana's hand.

they both went there separate ways to find to very unknowing boys.

Awkwardly enough they both ended up with the wrong people, but it made things right.

"Sarah...I'm sorry for yesterday...it...it didn't mean nothing," Senneca said stopping her.

"So you're a player AND a liar now?!" Sarah answered with a short laugh.

"Look, if you're mad at me cause I hurt Ciana a few weeks ago, fine but I like you I really do, please be my girlfriend?"


"Ciana, can we talk?" Draco asked.

"Sure, what's up." She replied as cheerful as possible:

"Can we go to the common room?"

"Yeah, I guess."

they walked in silence until reaching the Slytherin common room couch.

"So whats up?" She asked

"Ciana Channel Colegate will you be my Girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes!" A girl said to a boy.

"I'm interested in someone else, sorry." Another girl said biting her lip.

"Sarah!" Ciana called looking for her BFF.

"Here," Sarah called.

"What happened?" Ciana asked.

"Senneca asked me to be his girlfriend," she answered bitting her lip.

"Oh my gosh!!! Draco asked me to be his girlfriend." Ciana gushed.

"Told ya!" Sarah teased, "What'd you say?"

"You have to tell me what you said to Senn first!" Ciana bargained.

"Ok!" Sarah replied rolling her eyes,"I told him..that I was interested in someone else."

"Really?" Ciana replied," I thought you'd say yes."

"Turns out I realized I had feelings for Lewis..." She said biting her lip again but smiling.

"I said.... yes!" Ciana answered.

"Hogsmeade for a butterbeer to celebrate? We can invite Draco and Lewis, it'll be you and Draco's first daaaattttte, and I know Lewis likes me so maybe it'll be mine too." Sarah suggested.

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