The dock

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Draco had to get out of there, he saw the way she glanced over at senneca. She still loved him. He walked calmly out of the great hall, and then rushed to the Black Lake. He whispered the spell for the bubble-head charm, undressed, grabbed his clothes (just In case someone found him), and dove cleanly into the lake. He searched trying to find the cave, he knew it had the mark of Slytherin on it because he carved it there his second year. He finally found it, swam in and sat on the ledge that was right above the water in an air pocket.

He could finally let it out, he cried, not loud or wailing just a silent stream of tears running down his face.

"I've never been good enough..." He whispered," Not for my father or my mother, not even for the only person I've ever loved." He winced thinking of her name; how could a name hurt him so much. A lump formed in his throat and he let himself dream. Ciana Malfoy... it sounded perfect; sure he was only 13...but it still sounded wonderful. He let himself replay their kiss in his mind. The only moment that gave him hope throughout this year.

She said the bubble-head spell incantation and dove in, she needed to find him, to tell him that she loved him. She knew there were caves in the Black Lake so she searched for one that looked like anything special, eventually, she found one with the Slytherin mark and swam in.

He heard the surface of the water break and hurried to pull his clothes back on. He successfully put on pants before she saw him but nothing more.

"Draco!" She called until she spotted him on a ledge.

"Why...are you here." He said trying not to stutter.

"I saw you dive in, but it took me a while to do the bubble-head charm and find this cave." She answered, "I need to talk to you."

"ok... let's talk," Draco said.

" you." Ciana sighed climbing up to the ledge.

"I like you too." Draco answered,"we're friends."

"I mean like this..." She sighed leaning over and kissing him.

"Oh," He replied laughing, leaning over to kiss her again and she kissed him back.

"I was in Thunderbird at Ilvermorny, but that doesn't mean I was sly and cunning. Thunderbird people favor adventure and have great ambition. I was made fun of for being a half-blood wizard, I was even called a mudblood and that isn't even correct." Sarah explained.

"Ever since I was eleven I was made fun of by Slytherins and even other Ravenclaws for being nerdy and unpopular because of my looks," Lewis explained.

Neither replayed to one another, they both understood their feeling so no words were needed.

"I...I don't think your looks are so bad...." She answered blushing.

"Thanks," he replied scratching the back of neck nervously

"Ohh! We're going to be late for class!" Sarah shouted realizing how long they had been talking,"Bye! Meet at The Black Lake at 7:00?"

"Sure, bye!" Lewis called his cheeks still flushed.

"C!" Sarah called

"What?" Ciana asked turning around her hand in Draco's and her hair dripping water.

"oooh, what happened here?" Sarah teased raising her eyes brows.

"Nothing," Ciana laughed mouthing I'll tell you later.

They both hurried off to class.

Sarah slipped into her black bikini, a cover-up, and flip-flops. Hurrying to the lake.

"Sup, Lewis, how was class," Sarah asked

"Great, you?" He replied

"Nothin much happened, I got in trouble by Filch of course..." She answered rolling her eyes.

He looked her up and down, "Should I go get some swim trunks?"

"Sure! It's June and it's finally warm enough to swim." He said

"It's June which means in a week I won't see you, Ciana, or senneca for another 3 months..." she whispered inaudibly.

Lewis walked away quickly and Sarah sighed.

"What's up, Sarah?" A male voice said from behind her.

"Aghh! Don't sneak up on someone like that, especially when I'm sitting on the end of a pier." She screamed

Senneca chuckled and replied, looking her up and down,"You look nice," a joking tone in his voice. He sat down beside her and they both sighed.

sarah all of the sudden got an idea, then she pushed him off the pier and jumped in after.

"Hey!! What was that for?" He laughed splashing water in her face. They splashed for a while and laughed together. Senn dove under the water and Sarah followed smoothly. Senneca didn't even think about what he was doing, it just seemed so natural.

She couldn't pull away it felt too perfect. So they both swam towards the surface in each other's arms lips locked. Unfortunately, that's right when Lewis came back to the pier and looked in the water.

Electric, that was the word running through Sarah's head as she kissed the boy she had only met 2 days earlier. This was her first kiss, and it was magical. When they broke the surface of the water she felt like she was soaring.

What did he just do, what was he doing, was this a dream. He was kissing a girl he had met only 2 days ago and he still loved another girl. He was crazy. He was an idiot he had just lost any chance of ever getting back with Ciana.

What were they doing, he was gone for 10 minutes and when he came back she was in the middle of a makeout session with him. Of all people Senneca Arvis. That's what was the main problem, not the new girl he had a crush on was kissing another boy, but that she was kissing his half-brother.

Lewis.... he was there she could sense it. She liked him or did she like Senneca. Thoughts tumbled around in her head and he broke away from Senneca's firm soft beautiful lips.

He felt her breakaway, and he let go of her. His brain switched to the fact that Lewis was standing on the pier watching them. Lewis! What had he done! Lewis had told him the night before that He likes her. He was a horrible brother. He always tried to be kind to Lew, because his mother died when he was almost 1. Senneca's mother then got married to Lewis' father and a month after marriage Senneca's mother was pregnant with...him.

"Senn!" Lewis cried.

"Lew... let me explain, please!" Senneca shouted back.

Sarah was a metamorphmagis; meaning she could change her appearance at will (not to be confused with animagus, wizards/witches are born with this power). So she quickly avoided the conflict by morphing into a fish and swiftly swam away just far enough not to be seen but to still be able to hear.

"Go ahead! Try, try to explain what you were doing kissing the girl I told you LAST night that I fancy!" Lewis yelled red in the face and crying.

"I...we got caught up in the moment that's all, I still love Ciana anyway..."He choked.

"Oh, and I guess when I get a girlfriend you expect me to lose her just because I thought another girl was hot for one day!" Lewis screamed and ran back away from the lake.

She barely contained the sob that threatened to escape her; it meant nothing to him, her first kiss wasted to a guy that said it didn't mean anything. She did sob now and morphed back into human form; the biggest problem was she couldn't even tell her best friend...

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