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After the party was over everyone was cleaning up. Draco, of course, had Crabbe and Goyle do his part while he went to bed. It just happened that Senneca and Ciana were the last ones cleaning up.

"Ciana?" Senneca asked

"Oh, I didn't know you knew my name!" She blurted blushing.

"Of course I know your name," He replied, making her cheeks redder than ever.

"Oh," Ciana stuttered.

"Ummm, I don't know how to ask you this, but..." The usually smooth speech gone,"Will you maybe go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?"

"Oh, yeah, sure." Ciana fumbled wondering if he meant on a date.

They both went to their dorms and Ciana tried to sleep with almost no success.

When she woke up she realized that she wasn't in her dorm but on the common room couch, then she remembered she had trouble falling asleep so she came out there to think. Senneca was coming out of the dorm, so she pretended to still be asleep.

"Wake up," He whispered, the next thing he whispered was quiet enough that if she was really sleeping she wouldn't have heard," Today's the day of our Hogsmeade date."

Ciana was glad that she was under the blankets far enough that he couldn't see her blush.

"Stop talking so loud," She said faking just waking up.

"Great job faking but next time make sure you don't flinch when I sit down next to you, just a pointer." He said laughing.

"Oh yeah where was that witty repartee last night, was it gone with your looks!" She shot back.

He just laughed pulling the blankets off her and pulled her up.

"You need to hurry, I had some of my friends help with a surprise." He urged.

Senneca paced while waiting for Ciana he really wanted her to see his surprise, but he knew his friends couldn't stay in Hogsmeade forever.

When Ciana walked out of the dorm he smiled; she was wearing a cute gray sweater with jeans and a scarf. Her black hair that she had dyed last night after not being able to sleep was tipped with blonde at the bottoms. He could hardly believe his eyes; she was more beautiful then he had even noticed.

"Hey! Stop staring," she said, laughing and snapping him out of his trance.

"I...I wasn't," Senneca said giving it up and smiling," Let's go."

They chatted as they walked through the glistening snow to Hogsmeade.

"So, What'd you think of me that day you walked into the boys' dorm," Senneca said winking.

Ciana giggled and replied blushing, "I thought you cute and ran away so I couldn't do something stupid."

"Maybe you should have stayed then." He chuckled winking again.

"Stop that!" She said shoving him gently.

"Stop what?" He answered shoving her back and winking again.

They shoved each other until they were both laughing and sprawled out on the snowy ground.

After their little shenanigans, they hurried to Hogsmeade to catch Senneca's surprise. Ciana gasped when she saw it.

"Oh my gosh! It's beautiful," She gasped.

"I had some of my friends do this and make sure it was perfect before we arrived." He explained.

"Thank you!" She said hugging him and then drawing back, blushing sheepishly.

In front of them was an amazing gazebo with lights strung up around the top and floating lanterns inside it.

"I heard you talking to Pansy and telling her how you want your first date ever to be romantic." Senneca Continued, blushing.

"Aww," She sighed with joy, getting the urge to snog him but knowing it was too early for that.

He leaned down and kissed her cheek; backing away slowly and saying,"Sorry, that was out of line."

"It was fine," She said and started to fiddle with her hair.

First, they went into Honeydukes and got some candy. Then they went into Jintley's Jewelers, and Ciana's mind flickered to Draco and she blushed, but not because of anything Senneca had done. She pushed those thoughts out of her mind and looked around; she gasped when she saw a beautiful silver necklace with a silver heart pendant and love in cursive inside. She didn't notice this, but from the other side of the shop, Senneca was watching her look at the necklace and went to the counter. He paid for what he had gotten and shoved it down in his pocket so she wouldn't notice. They soon left Jintley's and started walking back to Hogwarts.

"So, did enjoy our day so far?" Senneca asked.

"Yeah, how'd you put together the little thing at the gazebo?" She replied and asked.

"I have connections," he replied winking and pulling a silver box out of his pocket.

"Oh stop it!" She giggled shoving him.

"Here," he said his face turning pink.

she opened the box and gasped, it was the necklace she had seen at Jintley's. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

Her thoughts flashed to that one day in divination and when she grabbed Draco's hand. Again she had to push away thoughts of him.

About 4 months went by and Senneca, or Senn as she called him and Ciana were officially a couple, they snogged occasionally in the hallways and got looks from teachers in class. Things were perfect.

"Hey, Ciana, can we talk?" Senn asked and Ciana was surprised he didn't use his nickname for her (C).

"Sure, whats up Senn?" She answered.

"Just meet me in the common room during free period, k," Senneca said.

"Ok," Ciana replied curiously, about what they needed to talk about.

*Free period

"what's up Senn?" She asked as she entered the common room.

"I don't know how to say this..." he answered trailing off.

The color drained from her face as she figured out what he was most likely going to say next, "Just say it."

He sighed," I'm... breaking up with you."

"oh....ok." Ciana stuttered trying to be brave.

He had to leave for his next class, so he did and she rushed into the girls' dorm to be alone.

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