The holidays

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"It's almost Christmas," Ciana chimed

"Yeah, I asked my parents if I could stay at Hogwarts this year, I know you're not going home and most Slytherins are," Draco said.

"Awww, thanks," Ciana said hugging him,"you really didn't have to."

"I wanted to. Now please get off me, you know I hate hugs." He mumbled.

"Ok," Ciana said rolling her eyes, "So... I'm heading to Hogsmeade today, to get presents. What do ya want?"

"Ummm, can I just come with you and pick it out?" He asked

"Sure," she answered punching him in the shoulder.

"What do you want?" Draco asked.

"I don't know, surprise me." She replied.

They headed to Hogsmeade and she went into honeydukes and Draco went to a little shop by the hog's head called, Jintley's Jewelers. Draco waited until Ciana went into Honeydukes so that her gift would be a surprise. He got her a beautiful silver necklace with a red ruby heart for the charm.

When they met up in the square, Draco wanted sweets for a present. They went to honeydukes one more time and then went back to Hogwarts.

A week went by and it was Christmas morning. Draco got up early and wrapped the little jewelry box the necklace was in. Ciana was supposed to meet him in the common room at 10:00 and it was 9:55. He couldn't help pacing the room waiting for her. When she finally arrived, it was like 12:00 (it was really 10, but Draco was really impatient!).

"So, can I have my present now?" Draco asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Slow down hotshot, we can trade on 3." Ciana laughed," 1....2........3!"

When Draco open his present he was surprised, instead of seeing a couple lollipops, saw a silver snake cuff.

"Wow, where'd you find something like this?" Draco asked

"I found it at that little jewelry place in Hogsmeade."

"Open mine now." Draco urged.

She opened the box to find a beautiful silver red ruby necklace.

"Wow!" Ciana breathed.

"Do you like it?" Draco asked.

"YES!" She yelled hugging him.

"What'd I say about hugging." He said but gave in and hugged her back.

"Merry Christmas, Ciana." He whispered into her ear.

- - -

"But, she's a filthy mudblood!" Ciana heard someone yell in the boys' dorm.

She went to investigate but, ended up with her face as red as a beet. The boys were only in their boxers, and for some reason, she couldn't stop looking at Draco's, they were sorta cute with little snakes all over them.

"Oh, umm... I just heard some yelling and was coming to investigate," she stuttered.

"What's going on?" A prefect, named Senneca yawned walking up, also only in his boxers. Ciana blushed even more because he was a fifth year and extremely handsome.

He had a strong looking core and cute hair that perfectly framed his strong jaw and deep, green eyes Ciana had to get out of there before she did something really stupid; She rushed out of the dorm and the common room and headed towards the bathrooms.

"Wait!" Draco yelled as he chased after her.

When he caught up to her, Ciana gave into her laughter, " realize, you're only in your.... boxers, right?"

"Yeah" Draco replied sheepishly.

The two walked around the school for a bit, making sure not to get caught by the teachers patrolling the halls. Eventually, they headed back to the common room, Draco got something more than boxer shorts on, and they sat there chatting until they both fell asleep.

The next morning Ciana woke up and realized Draco wasn't sleep-sitting beside her. She got up, changed into her robes and went looking for Draco. When she found him he didn't notice her and kept talking to Crabbe, she heard him say,"Crabbe, she's a filthy mudblood and my father will kill me if he finds out, I can't believe I'm even letting myself not hate her."

Crabbe replied," I can't help you if your friends with a mudblood than deal with it."

Draco said, "Crabbe, this is why you're useless!"

Ciana snuck away and hid in moaning myrtle's bathroom. She didn't know this but Draco followed her. Was he talking about her? She cried knowing that he was.

- - -

Draco roamed the halls not caring that he had cut classes and could be caught at any time. He realized how much he cared about Ciana. He realized what she meant to him. He realized that she was the only one he loved, as a friend and otherwise. He had to make things right. That's when he remembered her birthday was coming up, January 21st. One problem, she was avoiding him at all costs, he had to find a way.

Draco decided on using a school owl to send a letter to Ciana to meet someone (him) in the Slytherin common room. The letter was formatted like this

Dear Ciana Colegate,

Meet me in the Slytherin common room at midnight on January 21st

All he had to do was, A) get an amazing present, B) invite everyone In Slytherin, and, C) get butterbeer and snacks. After planning everything his heartfelt whole again.

- - -

Ciana avoided Draco every day. She was surprised when he didn't try to talk to her and convince her that he didn't do anything wrong. She was also shocked when she got a letter, not from Draco's owl, but from a school owl. The letter told her to meet someone, it didn't say who, in the Slytherin common room at midnight, January 20th (so technically it would be January 21st).

Draco managed to send owl messages to everyone in Slytherin without Ciana finding out. He had the butterbeer, snacks, and decorations complete, but still needed to get her a present in Hogsmeade.

During the free period Draco asked Snape if he could go to Hogsmeade, and, loving all people Slytherin, Snape said yes. When Draco arrived at Hogsmeade he realized he had no clue what to get her. He roamed around until he found the perfect gift; Ciana had always wanted to have black hair but hers was currently blonde so he bought her a magic black hair kit.

- - -

When she entered Ciana was exhausted; she sat down in her dark-green, satin dress that she had worn since it was a weekend. At 12:00 o'clock Midnight everyone jumped out and causing Ciana to scream and jump. Draco came up beside her chuckling, holding a small green bow with a silver bow.

"Draco, you did this, for me?" Ciana asked trying to keep her voice from faltering.

"Yeah, it's your birthday today isn't it?" He replied cocking an eyebrow and smirking.

Ciana couldn't help but smile at that and said," What about my present?"

Draco laughed with relief and gave her the box. She opened it and smiled. A few hours went by with some presents, a few snacks, a little bit of snogging (mostly between 5th years but not Senneca, the boys' dorm prefect) and a lot of butterbeer. They ended up getting shut down by Dumbledore and Snape, but they did end up staying up to 5 AM.

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