And this is when the sky falls

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The next day Senneca sighed heavily. He kissed Serena good bye and prepared himself. Memorizing more spells than he would need. Would he die? Was this the last day he would be with his friends?

Ciana woke up late that day. Senneca was gone so Ciana didn't get the chance to tell him good luck. She went and looked for Draco.

Finding him she kissed him on the cheek, "Hey baby, you ready for they cave?"

She bit her lip slightly well saying that and Draco laughed.

"While I can see you're excited." He said winking.

"Ok maybe I am, is that such a bad thing?"

"Not. At. All."

Ciana giggled and put her arms around his neck.

"Let's go!"

They race off like two little kids, excited get to the cave quickly. The did the spell, not undressing this time, and hurried down. Once near the cave they kissed passionately and swam quickly towards the air pocket.

"Oh gosh that was refreshing."

"Was it really? I mean right now I'd rather be up on the rocks..." She said and giggled.
"Me too, so what are we waiting for."
She scrambled onto the rocks quickly and almost fell. Draco hurried after her and reached out to catch her when she almost fell. She didn't fall and when he took his hands to take her he fell back into the water.
Ciana laughed lightly, "Hurry up you arse!"
Draco hurried and slipped at the top. He fell on top of her and she giggled.
"Oh you think me being on top of you is funny?" He smirked.
"Maybe..." Ciana giggled feeling his body weigh on her.
Ciana loved the feeling of her body touching his. She grasped for any chance at affection. Maybe that was because she struggled with loneliness or maybe it was just her love for him. Her feelings were sexual but not entirely and those that were were driven by love. She was 14 years of age, but she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Draco Lucious Malfoy. *
Ciana was snapped out of her thoughts by a sexy voice whispering in her ear, "Why are you so beautiful baby?"
She bit her lip and responded, "I dunno. How are you so incredibly sexy?"
"You just make me act that way."
He then started on kissing her. He kissed her lips, just pecks at first, then they developed into passionate tongue kisses. His body moved slightly, he adjusted it to comfortably fit the boner forming. Draco suddenly felt strange. There was a feeling he couldn't place, it was a nervous, anxious, horrible feeling that had no place in this happening. He continued to trail kisses down her neck but he stomach tightened and he felt awkward.
"Ciana?" He asked, feeling his nerves starting to spill over.
"What is it?" Ciana answered whispering slightly.
"I don't know... I just feel awkward and weird."
"We don't have to do this if you're not comfortable." She said giving him a comforting smile.
He swallowed and looked away for a second before responding, "I'm not ready."
She nodded and he got off of her, "We should get to the task then. I want to support Senneca as much as we can."
The wind was blowing and Harry beckoned towards the cup. They had made it. They had survived the tournament. Senneca touched the cup with Harry. They helped each other and found it together. Once Senneca touched the cup he was teleported by it to a strange place. It was a portkey!
"You ok?" He asked Harry.
"Yeah, yeah I am." Harry responded standing and looking around the area.
It was a graveyard.
"Where are we?" Senneca asked.
"I've been here before!" Harry said panting, "I've been here before, in a dream!"
"We have to get back to the cup. NOW!" Harry yelled in warning.
A strange man approached and Harry cried out in pain. Senneca rushed to him as Harry held his head crying out in pain. Senneca noticed that the strange, rat-like man was holding a creepy inhuman thing in his arms.
"Who are you and what do you want!" Senn yelled at the man.
"Kill them..." A snake-like voice whispered.
"AVADA KEDAVRA!" The rat man yelled charging towards Senn.
He cried in pain, flying backwards in a swirl of green. His body tumbled to the ground and he lay with his head flung back, eyes staring blankly.
Ciana and Draco swam quickly to the surface and rushed toward the crowd. They hoped beyond hope that Senneca had won! Once they came through the crowd they realized that no one was back yet. After a few minutes Harry appeared carrying something.
Ciana gasped. It was Senneca's body.
"D-d-Draco.... it's Senn." Ciana stuttered, shaking all over.
He held her close and kissed her head.
"I- I was right I- I didn't... I thought..." She cried.
"It's ok baby, it's not like you could stop it."
"We still should have been here but I thought I was wrong."
"I think we need to find Lewis and Serena."
Draco and Ciana pushed through the crowd and found Lewis kneeling beside Senneca.
"Ciana he He he he can't be gone he can't be." Lewis sobbed.
She hugged him and asked, "Where's Serena?"
"She d-didn't e-even show u-up today."
"She must have realized he would be killed. Draco and Lewis you stay here I'll go find her."
Ciana hurried to find Serena. She found her crying on a bench in the courtyard.
"Lewis needs you. He needs someone who loved his brother." Ciana explained.
"S-so he's actually gone? I've just been hoping and hoping that he'd survive but he's actually gone?"
"I'm sorry Serena I really am. I loved him too."
Serena stood up, wiped her tears and robotically went to the crowd. She knelt beside Senneca and held the hand of Lewis. Her heart couldn't handle this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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