Chapter 1

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⭐️Disclaimer~ The name of the main character Jisoo is not intended to be the Blackpink Jisoo. I just really liked the name and wanted to name the main character that.

I woke up to a loud ringing noise. I turned off my alarm and slowly got up.

Why do my  classes have to start this early? 

I get up, walking over to my closet to pick out an outfit. Outside it's raining so I decided to dress a little warmer with jeans and a simple sweater. As I finish getting ready I go downstairs to grab something to eat as my mom quickly runs around, trying to fins something. 

"Honey, have you seen my car keys?" She asks looking underneath a hat on a small table by the door. 

"In the bowl mom," I say pouring myself some coffee. She turns to look at the bowl and sighs annoyed, grabbing her keys out of the bowl. 

"I must be blind," She rushes over to me and gives me a kiss on my cheek. "Have a good day okay sweetie? I'll see you later," She says as she rushes out the door. 

"See ya!" 

Did I finish my English paper? Probably not, I sigh rolling my eyes. Guess that means I need to head to class earlier to finish it. 

After a quick breakfast, I gather up my things and head outside taking an umbrella with me.

Luckily it wasn't raining that hard and I was able to get to class dry with my umbrella. I got to the bus stop just in time as it was about to take off. The walk from the bus stop to the building where my class is about a ten minute walk so I put in my earphones as I began walking to class. When I get to class, there are only a few students there. I take a spot towards the back of the room and take out my stuff, and begin to work on my papers.

"You're early today, Jisoo." Mina, who was my best friend, had walked in not too long after I sat down.

Mina's a close friend of mine and has been for the entirety of my senior year of high school and my first years in college. We've been pretty much inseparable for a long time. 

"I had to finish my paper for class."

The class went silet for a second. Both of us looked up to see a group of guys walking in. 

"What do people see in them?" I ask, looking at some of the girls who try to sneak a picture of them.

Just then, a boy with blond hair walked in following the group.

He must be new, I haven't seen him before.

He looks over at the class, his eyes landing on me. We stare at each other for a few seconds, not breaking eye contact, until I finally look back down at my paper. Eventually, the professor walked in and I rushed to finish my last paragraph. 

After class had ended, I left the classroom heading towards the exit. Mina caught up to me and we started talking as we walked outside the building.

"Omg did you see that new guy though? He was like really hot."

"You say that about every new guy that looks somewhat good-looking."

"Maybe, but did you see his blond hair? Omg, I just want to put my hand through it."

"Okay, that's enough of that."

Luckily, outside the rain had calmed down a bit, but it was still drizzling.

I said goodbye to Mina and got onto a bus to go to my dance studio. It always felt great coming here. I knew that the "hot" guys had dance practice here, but luckily their studio was on the other side of the building.

I warmed up and practiced a little of a routine I had memorized for today. Today, I was to perform the song with the backup dancers for a video. I was really excited to shot this choreography because I had worked really hard on it.

I was pretty tired after we performed but felt great. It was around 9 o'clock and everyone had started leaving. I changed my clothes and was gathering my stuff when I heard clapping from behind me.

"You did amazing earlier."

I turned around and saw that the new kid from school was there.

"Hey aren't you that new kid?"

"Yup that's me."He says leaning against the wall. " I practice with the boys on the other side of the building. I heard that there was a dance video being shot and wanted to come and see it."

His smirk made me blush a little knowing he saw me dance.

"You're pretty good, would you want to practice with me sometime?"

"I'm good, thanks though." I place the strap on my bag over my shoulder.

"Do you need a ride home?"

"No it's fine I can just take the bus."

"I can't let you walk around at night by yourself."

"I told you I'm fine the bus stop is not too far away from my house."

"Hm, I truly insist though for you to come."

I lift an eyebrow and look him up and down. I mean, He doesn't seem to be the creepy type. He pulls out a lanyard from his pocket, revealing a pair of car keys dangling from the bottom. I catch the logo on the keys and notice that it's an expensive brand.

"I guess it couldn't hurt."

Plus, Mina would be so jealous if I told her that he gave me a ride home.

Outside, we got into his car and drove off. My house was in one of the safer neighborhoods so my mom normally didn't worry as much when it came to walking around the alleys.

I thanked the guy and got out of the car, carefully closing the door behind me. As I got to the door, I looked back to see him drive away. 

Well, he seems... nice.

I walked inside to see my mom fast asleep on the couch with the TV on. I put a blanket on her and went up into my room.

The new guy saw me dance. Is that weird? I mean, our dance was a little, well, I don't know. Now he probably thinks I'm that type of girl.

I sighed. It doesn't matter anyways I could care less of what he thinks.


Sorry for the kinda boring chapter that didn't really have a lot of stuff going on. The next one will hopefully be better😂

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