Chapter 19

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Sunlight was shining in through my window, causing me to wake up from the brightness of it. I looked over and saw that Jimin's arms were wrapped around my naked body.


I quickly looked down realizing I had absolutely nothing on, as well as Jimin. Heat rose to my face as I remembered what happened last night.

Then, I felt Jimin's hands move and start moving all over me. They went from my inner thighs, up to my chest.

"Last night, let's just say, was the best night of my life," Jimin smirked as he opened his eyes.

"D-Did my mom ever walk in?" I asked stuttering at Jimin's intense gaze.

"No, but if she did, nothing would have stopped me or you," I blushed at his words.

"Never knew you would be such a top Jisoo."

I turned away from him. "Okay, stop Jimin. I need to get-"

My words were cut off as Jimin hugged me closer to himself, kissing the back of my neck, down to my shoulders.

"I say we stay like this for the rest of the day."

I couldn't say anything as Jimin kept moving his hands on me, kissing me gently.

God, I loved his gentle touch. Every time he moved his hand, a warm feeling would run all over my body. Never have I felt something as good as this. 

I felt Jimin's breath on my neck. "Why don't we do this again-"

"Jisoo have you seen my white purse anywhere?" My mom called from downstairs.

"Shit my mom doesn't know your still here!" I say grabbing an oversized shirt I had laying on the floor. I pulled it on as Jimin whined.

"Why did you have to put on a shirt?" He asked pouting.

"Jimin get under the covers right now!" I whisper-yelled at Jimin while throwing blankets and pillows on top of him.

I heard my mom coming up the stairs towards my room. I picked up her white purse that was sitting on top of my desk since I had borrowed it a few days ago.

She opened the door just as I was about to.

"Have you seen-?"

"Here it is mom," I held out her bag, blocking her view of my bed.

"Oh, thanks, sweetie. Wow your rooms a mess, make sure to clean it up okay?"

"Yup I got it."

"Oh, and you didn't do anything with that Jimin boy right?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nope! Not at all. He went home not long after you left." I said smiling.

"Okay then. I'll be back around seven. Love you." She gave me a peck on the cheek and closed the door.

Once I heard the front door close, I took a deep breath and sighed.

"That was close," I said rubbing my head.

Jimin came up from under the blankets his abs on full display. I bit my lip.

"Shall we continue?" Jimin asked smirking.

"No thank you!" I said walking over to my dresser to get put a pair of sweatpants.

Jimin pulled on his underwear and jeans from the night before, then walked over to me, giving me a back hug.

"Your smell makes me want to kiss you all over." He said whispering in my ears.

"Well, that already happened so no more." He pouted from behind me.

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