Chapter 15

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The next morning I awoke to a note on the nightstand. I picked it up looking at the cup of coffee and plate of eggs and fruit that were right next to it.

Dear Jisoo,

Sorry for not telling you sooner but I had to leave early for a meeting about a new building complex for expanding my dad's business. I hope you'll like the breakfast I made even though it was rushed. Meet me at the location written below here at 8 pm. Don't be late!


I smiled at the note and picked up the plate of eggs. For being rushed, they were pretty good.
After finishing the food, I got up and changed into my clothes from the day before and headed home to change into some clean clothes before class.

Mina had gotten a cold from going out with Taehyung one night, so she couldn't make it to class. I sighed as I didn't see any of my friends in class and found a seat in the back.

I guess I'm the only one who cares about school. But I have missed a lot of days too.

The professor came in and class started per usual. After the lecture ended, I hurried out to go to Mina's house to cook her some soup for her throat. While walking out of the building, I didn't notice were I was going and knocked into a tall, fairly built person.


I looked up to see Taemin.

Well shit.

"Oh hey Taemin, um, love to talk but I have to get going, my friends sick and I need to go see her right now so if you could, please move that'd be great." I breathed out.

"Jisoo wait." He grabbed my arm as I attempted to push past him.

"We need to talk."

"I don't really think so. I have to go so could you please let go of my arm." I tried to pull my arm out of his grip, but he wasn't letting go.

"Jisoo, I'm sorry for what I did. It was really stupid. I was drunk that night and wasn't thinking straight. I have no idea who those girls were and how they got into our VIP room, I promise. Please believe me."

People around us started watching us and whispering to each other.

"Taemin, I've heard from many people before that you aren't the greatest with keeping relationships. I'm not sure I can trust you. I don't have the same feelings for you as I did before." His grip tightened after my last sentence.

"How can you trust the words of others but not mine? I thought we trusted each other."

"Not anymore."

"Can you at least talk to me? You keep avoiding me and your not answering my texts."

"Taemin, let go. I don't want to talk, ok?" I again attempted to pull my arm away but he didn't let go.

"Jisoo listen, I love you. Please listen to me."

"No. How many times do I have to tell you? Let go and leave me alone!" I shouted.

"Jisoo listen!-"

All of a sudden, two arms pulled me away from Taemin and I'm pushed back away from him.

"Jimin," Taemin growled.

I looked up to see Jimin standing in front of me.

"She told you to leave her alone, so I'd expect you to do just that."

"You have no right getting involved." Taemin stepped forward.

"Actually, I do. Because I'm her boyfriend."

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