Chapter 24

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"So what did you guys do last night?" Mina asked as we sat down and started taking out our stuff for class.

"Well we had an amazing dinner, and then we went to his place to watch a movie," I said taking out my laptop.

"And?" Mina said raising an eyebrow.

"T-That's it," I said looking away blushing.

"Mhm, you guys can't keep your hands off each other can you?" Mina said smirking.

"Oh my gosh Mina, don't say that. It sounds weird," I said looking around.

"Whatever, I haven't done it with Taehyung yet. But honestly, I don't care if we ever do or don't, I'm just happy to be with him," She said sighing.

"Excuse me, I'm going to go barf out all of the cheesiness that I have just heard," I said pretending to barf.

"Seriously, I bet you and Jimin say cheesy things to each other all of the time so shut up," She said hitting my arm as I laughed.

After class, we drove to dance class. It wasn't as fun without Jimin. We learned a new routine, but I wasn't as into it as I would be before. After class Mina, Sooyoung, and I went to get dinner together. We decided to go to a nearby restaurant that was somewhat new. We talked about school and other random stuff the whole time. While they were talking, I trailed off into my own thoughts.

"Are you not worried Jisoo?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to Sooyoung who was looking at me with a concerned face.

"Concerned about what?"

"Well remember you told us about this mafia gang that wanted Jimin's business? Well, what if they come after you? Practically the whole city knows you're dating a major CEO that's rich and handsome."

"I never really think about that," I said taking a sip of my drink.

"I think you should be more careful when you're by yourself, you never know what can happen."

"I'll try to be, but I think you guys are worrying too much."

"You've already been kidnapped before remember!" Mina said crossing her arms.

"Yeah, but that was just a few creeps, a mafia gang kidnapping me? Now that's just crazy. They have other means of doing their business." As I said that, I remembered what Jimin had told me before about his father. If they killed his dad, could they do the same to me?

"Jisoo? Jisoo." I look up to see Sooyoung leaning down slightly looking at me.

"Oh sorry, just zoned out for a moment."

"We should probably all head home," Mina said gathering her things. We all got up and walked out to the street together. We talked for a little bit before saying goodbye to Sooyoung. Mia and I made our way to my house where I went to take a nap since I was pretty tired.

After about an hour, I woke up to go take a shower. I decided that I should go visit Jimin to help him with his papers. Since it was pretty cold outside today, I put on a sweater with jeans and a long coat. After getting ready, I headed out to his office. When I got there, I greeted Sunjin before walking to his office.

I opened the door to see the room still a mess, with papers now on the floor and all over his desk. I walked over to his desk and sat down on his chair.

"Guess I better get started," I said sighing before sitting up and started collecting papers. I turned on some music and put in my earphones. After an hour had passed, the door opened with Jimin walking in. He looked up to see me sitting at his desk and I could tell from where he was standing that his eyes lit up.

"Jisoo!" He said dropping all of his stuff and running over to me. I stood up to give him a hug as he ran into my arms.

"Gosh I saw you yesterday Jimin," I said chuckling as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

"I've missed you so much," He mumbled.

"I missed you too buddy but you're being pretty-"

I was cut off with him crashing his lips onto mine. I felt his arms slip around my waist as he turned me around and sat down onto the chair, causing me to sit on his lap. He pulled away slowly, staring into my eyes. I cleared my throat and looked back over to the piles of paper on the desk.

"Looks like I barely made a dent in this mess yesterday," I said snorting.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I don't ever have the time to organize all of these," He said looking around the room.

"Mr. Park, Mr. Ang is here to talk to you about the trade investments," Sunjin's voice sounded on the intercom. Jimin leaned in to push the button on the intercom.

"Okay, will be there in a sec," He let go and looked over at me.

"Go go! This sounds very important. Don't let me get in the way of business okay?" I said tapping his nose.

"That's a hard promise to keep but I'll try," He said smiling. He gave me a peck on the lips before picking up his jacket and straightening up.

"I'll see you soon," He said opening the door.

"See ya!" He closed the door behind him, leaving me with a mess to clean up.

After what seemed like forever organizing all of the papers on his desk, just as I got to the ones on the floor, Jimin had come back.

"How was it?" I asked as he sat down next to me on the floor.

"Boring, how was organizing?" He said kissing me on the cheek.

"Boring as well, can we go get some street food? I'm craving something sweet," I said making a cute face.

"Of course, let me just go get dressed into something more casual," He got up and grabbed a duffle bag that was on the floor behind his desk. A few moments later, he came back wearing a sweatshirt and jeans with a beanie.

"Ready?" He asked walking in.

"Yup! Let's go let's go let's go!" I said rushing out of the room as he laughed.

We took a taxi to a popular food market. We walked around until we found a vendor who sold cups of cutely decorated ice cream. We bought two for both of us and continued walking around while eating. We sat down at a table and talked for a little bit.

"I need to go to the bathroom, is there one nearby?" I asked looking around.

"I think there's one over there," Jimin said pointing to a sign in the distance.

"I'll be right back," I said getting up.

I made my way through the crowd and got to the restrooms. It was somewhat quieter near the bathrooms since they were slightly away from where the market was. While I walked into the bathroom, I couldn't help but feel that I was being watched.

I remembered what Mina and Sooyoung had said about the mafia so I kept my phone close and ready to dial Jimin. After I was finished, I walked out to see a guy with a hood pulled over his head leaning against the wall of the men's restroom. He looked up at me and slowly started to move closer. I panicked and ran into the crowd, away from him. I looked back to see him slowly making his way towards me still.

I grabbed my phone and called Jimin.

"Jimin there's a guy-!"

I was cut off when I ran into someone. I felt their arm go under my coat with something hard pressed against my back.

"If you move, I'll shoot you," The man whispered into my ear. I was shaking as he led me away from the crowd. He led me into a dark alleyway, where I was hit hard on my head, causing me to knock out.

Jimin's POV

"Hello? Jisoo?" I looked down at my phone to see the call had ended. I jumped up and ran to the restrooms. Just as I got there, a woman walked out of the women's restroom. I ran over to her and pulled out my phone.

"Did you see her in there?" She shook her head and walked away.

My legs felt weak as I fell to the ground onto my knees.

Had they taken her?

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