My Nakama...

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I was walking to the place Erza want us to meet, so we can ask, Alice, a million questions. Till a dozen of people, wearin a mask, jumped out of no where and catpure me. Alice yelled my name twice. Then one of the mask guy put a knife on my neck. I tried not to gulp.

What is happenin here!?

"Muahahaha! Oh Alice, you thought you can be like any other human, thought you can be free and have a life and make friends, but guess what..." The guy with the knife started to laugh like a crazy evil guy. I looked at Alice, she made a fist and her hair covered her  left eye, even Yoru notice.

"Your not a human!! Your a demon!!! A stupid Demon who can't take a hint, no matter where you are, no matter who you with, your always a Demon who always be hated!!"

She was about to cry, Yoru was about to turn into a shadow with an angry look on him, but I interupted them.

"Urusai! She is no Demon!! She is like everybody else. You will never know her pain, her sufferin, her wishes and dream!!!" I yelled. I can feel blood comin down. My throat hurt . I smiled at Alice, she notice it, Yoru smiled at me.

"Urusia!!! Alice come with us and no harm is done with your 'friends'."

"No harm!? I'm stayin here with my friends!! Yoru, now!" Alice yelled while pointin at me.

"Yes my lady."

Yoru turn into shadow and I was sucked into it. The next thing I know, Yoru was holdin me while in a human form, in mid-air, with bat wings. "Don't let go." Yoru said. I looked down and saw Alice lookin at the mask people, she's mad...

Then Alice raised her hands slowly putin then together while sayin; "You all are goin to pay!!


A beautiful light was shinin on her hand. Then put her hand pointin at the mask peoples.


The light is beautiful...

All the mask peoples was flying into the air, some flew straight to us, we quickly flew lower to where Alice is.

"Woah! Alice your Amazing!!" I said it with a smile. Alice blush. I notice not everyone was thrown away. I pointed at a guy on the ground, he was tryin to get up and run away.

"There is one left.."

Alice looked at him. A second later, she ran up to him and pushed him against the wall.

"Who sent you here? Also how did you know I was here in Magnolia? " Alice banged his head against the wall, the wall was crackin. He looked scared. He tried to talk.

" I - it w-was y-your step father... h-he sent us here... I h-h-heard your father k-knew by-by a spy he sent ever s-since you es-scape... I swear..."  I notice he was shakin.

Alice let go of him then turn around.

"Yoru, send him to my stepfather place and you know the rest.. Lucy, lets go, everyone is waiting for us... but first let me heal you" She hold my neck with both of her hands, and I felt this warm feelin for 5 seconds. After that, she let go of my neck and hold my hand. She dragged me to a secret place where we were suppose to meet everybody else. I look back and Yoru and the guy wasn't there anymore.


I was layin on the ground, lookin up at the sky. Erza was playin with Wendy's hair for no reason. Gray was layin on the ground half naked and playin with his necklace. Happy was sittin on top of my chest eatin fish. Carla was being dressed by Wendy. Then I got up fast and Happy was thrown and face slam into a rock. His fish was thrown into a mud, well I think it mud.

"Giah!! Where are they!? We waited for like 30 minutes! Where are Alice? Yoru? And Luce!?"

Erza karate chop my head. I rub my head. Then I heard my name.. I looked up. Luce was flyin and was hold by Yoru. I got mad.

Why am I gettin upset!? Why am I jelous at Yoru!? And where is Alice!?

They got down. Luce got down. I ran up to her but then I notice Alice, was bein hold by Yoru, unconcious. Luce caried her like a baby way and ran to Wendy, do did Yoru. I ran torward them.

Then Luce started to talk, " Wendy! Can you heal her?" she was panickin. Wendy nodded. "I'll try!"


I open my eyes, I was on the ground, I looked at my left and Yoru was sittin down and sleepin at the same time.

Baka, how long you waited for me. What a beautiful sunset...

I got up and made a mirror made out of ice. I took off my eye patch. I looked at my eyes. I stared at the eye that Zeref gave me, for like 5 minutes. Then I notice a wagon. I put my eyepatch on and walked torward the wagon. I looked inside.


I notice everyone was sleepin. Natsu was sleepin on the and is holding Lucy hand. Lucy looks like she was havin a good dream, and was sleepin next to Nastu. Erza was sleep-sitting on a chair. Gray was on the floor,droolin and shortless , whisperin "Juvia". Wendy was sleeping next to Lucy while holding Carla. Carla was smiling while sleeping. Happy was mumbling in his sleep saying, 'Carla... fish..." over and over again.

They all look cute.

I turn around and then I saw 3 people with big coats.

"Alice?" One of them said my name, must be a guy since the voice was low.

"Who are you?" I was gettin ready if they attack me.

"Dont worry, we just need to talk to you..." All of them took of there hoodies, "Hello, my name is Jellal..."

"My name is Mererdy..."

"I'm Ultear..."

"Neh, Jellal... which one are you?" I asked while starin at him. He gave me a confuse look.

"Are you from Edolas... or Earthland....?"


Me: Gomen *bowing down* If I made the story weird. It is my first story...

Alice: Its weird...

Me: *begin to tear up*

Alice: *Pat my head* But interesting

Yoru: Yeah!!The new Alice is all nice now~ I feel like I'm falling inlove again

Alice: * Roll her eye*

Me: Arigato Alice, for cheering me up! Yoru do your best to win her Heart!!!

Me and Yoru: *Put our hands up* Yeah!!!!

Alice: T_T Baka..

Me: Dont be a party pooper, He will catch your heart!!!

Alice: Let just finish it here...

Me: Mooh Alice your no fun... Bye Minna!! *Wavin my hand goodbye* See you soon

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