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-Lucy POV-

I gave everyone the medicine, two drops like Alice said. Wendy was the first since she can heal them quicker. I gave everyone. Natsu was last.

"Luce..." Natsu tried to get up but it looks like he was a lot of pain than I thought.

"Natsu dont get up... relaxe for a while." He nodded and lay down.

"Luce, is that Alice and Yoru yelling at each other?" I stop and heard them yelling at each other. Mostly Alice. I nod.

"Well I dont blame them. It was Alice stepfather. Hes the cause of it." I look at the ground.

"Luce, lets go check on them, Alice and Yoru."

"You cant your-"

"Luce I'm okay, Im not that weak like Gray." He got up and grab my hand. He started walking to where they were yelling. They were kinda far away from us. Everyone was seperated. Then we saw Erza, Gray, Wendy, Happy, and Carla getting covered by bandages.

"Natsu!!! Lucy!!!" Happy flew to us and hug me.

"Are you guys okay?" Erza ask. Natsu nod while I look at happy who made a weird perverted face.

"Where are you two guys going?" Happy was smirking, so was Gray.

"We were going to check on Alice and Yoru." Natsu said while rubbing his back.


"We'll come too, who knows what will happen next." Erza said while getting up.

"Okay then!" I smiled and walk torward the yelling and the crying. Then it became quiet. Later TOO quiet. There was a bid leaf in our way. I push it out of the way and saw what we didnt expected.

They were kissing!!

Yoru eyes was widen, like he didny see it coming. Alice was crying with her eyes close. Erza was smirking evily. Wendy was blushing. Carla was smiling. Gray was smiling then he covered Wendy eyes. Happy was smirking. I was blushing and Natsu, well, I dont know I didnt look at him cause it was emberassing in many ways.

Alice and Yoru release the kiss after 20 seconds. Alice hug him crying. "Baka!!! Dont leave me, EVER!!!" Yoru stay still.

I bet Yoru didnt expected that will happen...

Yoru finally move, by hugging her back. "I promise..."

"They liiiike each other~" Happy finally spoke. Yoru was smiling while Alice notice we were watching. Gray let go of Wendy eyes. Both Wendy and Alice were blushing really hard. Alice grab Happy and kick him.



We all sweatdrop. Yoru chuckled.

"I guess everything is back to the way it was, I guess." Gray spoke.

"A little bit more... and a little bit less I say." Yoru blush while rubbing his back. Erza walk up to Alice.

"I guess we are even" She chuckled. Alice made a cute angry red face.

-Erza POV-

Young love...

I laugh while Alice look away. She was blushing. Yoru chuckled while looking at Alice.


Yoru rip off a bracelet on his leg.

"I quit!"


He threw it on the ground. He stomp on it. It caught our attention. Alice blush disapper.

"What was that?" Alice asked.

"Its has a locater on it so I destroid it so it will stop locating us. Its also how we comunicate."

He walk up to Arl.


"Yeah..." He rip off it off and broke it, "Your stepfather want to know everything whats happening. But I stop giving him information after we escape. I couldnt broke it before because it was powerful."

His hand glowed while he put his hand on Arl head.

"But when We were fighting, it kinda broke. Now im free," He walk up to Alice and kiss her, "Arigato, Alice."

Alice blush.

"You liiiiiike each other~" We all said.

"Irusai!" Alice blush while Yoru smiles.

"What did you did to him?" Gray ask while pointing at Arl, who is unconsious.

Yoru smile disapper and said, "I kinda set him free too. And erase part of his memories, later.he will get it back as soon as we finish our mission."

Wendy made a confuse face, "mission?"

-Natsu POV-

Alice and Yoru nodded.

"My mission is to save big sister and be free." Alice said.

"My mision is saving my parents and being free." Yoru said.

"Mostly being free." both of them said together.

"Lets change the subject, its getting to sad." I said.

"Yeah it kinda is." Lucy agreed.

Gray smirk, "So.... are you guys together...?"

Alice try to cover her blush. Yoru nod and smile like he never smiled before, "Yup."

Lucy clap her hand,"Now you guys can join Fairy Tail!"

"Eh!?" Everone was suprise. Even me.

Alice frown, "Demo..." Lucy ran up to Alice and hold her hands.

"He now doesnt know where you are right!? Plus you want to join dont you?" She looks cute while she does a curious face.

Woah Wait! She does but Why am I starting thinking like that!?

"Natsu-san? Are you okay? Your face is pink." Wendy was looking at me.

I patted her head, "Oh yeah I'm fine, dont worry about it." She smiled and ran torward Alice.

"Lets ask Master to see what he say." Erza cross her hand while smiling.

"Lets go back!" Happy jump up flying.

I rub my stomach, "Lets eat first I'm hungry!!!"

"Natsu, your always hungry. When are you not hungry!?" Lucy chuckled.

"Matte, Matte!!! I didnt said yes!?" Alice was panicking.

"Why are you always trying to run away from stuff? Lets join together! neh?" Yoru hold out his hand to Alice. Alice stood there for a second. She then hold Yoru hand, "Hai!"

(Hour later)

Everyone was in the wagon except for Erza who was driving. Everyone was sleeping except me. Wendy gave me Triora so I can sleep too. Wendy was sleeping next to Ice princess who was also sleeping. Carla was sleeping on Wendy. Alice was sleeping. Resting her head on Yoru shoulder. Yoru had his arm around her for comfort. Lucy was holding Happy, who is sleeping. She was resting her head on my shoulder. I moved her hair gently on the side so I can see her face. My heart suddenly start to beat fast.

But I have to say... she really cute. I think... I like Lucy. But I doubt she likes me back...

I gently kiss her on her forehead and went to sleep.

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