Whats happening?

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-Wendy POV-

I open my eyes, Carla was on me sleeping. I put Carla on the floor. Everyone was everywhere in side the wagon. Natsu and Lucy looks like the have a great time. Gray looks like he's chiling. Happy was next to Yoru who is now a cat. I looked around to see Erza. She wasn't here. Then I notice Alice is not seen too. So I got out of the wagon quietly, trying to not wake the others up.

When I got out, I saw Erza and Alice sitting on the ground, on the right of Erza, about 5 meters away from the wagon. I saw Erza face all blend in with her hair. While Alice was giggling.

What happen? Did I miss something?

"Huh? Oh Wendy! Ohio!" Alice said, while wavin her hand. I have back.

"Ohio Wendy" Erza said quietly.

"Ohio Erza-san, Alice-san. Um Erza-san..."

Erza look at me, " What is it? Wendy."

"Why are you blushing? I think this is the first time seeing you blush." I pointed at Erza. Alice got up and whisper to my ear, "It's love..." I blush.

"Erza-san!? You like someone!? Who!? Do he likes you back!?" I rapidly said while blushing. I'm so curious..!

Alice sat down where she was sitting before, she pat on the ground on her right. "Sit down and we'll tell you." I sat down.

Alice continue to talk, "Well you see, Wendy. You may be young to know what love is. Maybe you not. Well, Erza here, she is in love." Erza nodded then look away.

"You know Jellal, right?" Alice asked. I nodded. She continue, "Jellal was Erza first crush. And Erza was Jellal first crush, too. They told each other their feeling and-" She pause, she look at me, " Well you know what happen. Erza show her..." I look at Erza. She hold out her hand with the ring.

"This is-" I stop cause I was about to choke of excitement. Erza nodded.

"Jellal always waited for to give her it, until yesterday..." Alice continued with a smirk. Erza then try to run. Alice got up and snap her finger. Then the plants got her, pulled her in. Erza was fake crying. Made her sit down with us. I hugged Erza while blushing.

"Congratulation Erza! Hey, when things are back to normal, we should celebrate!! Only with the peoples who knows about it!"

Alice smile disappered. Then she stared at a flower in front of her.


-Alice POV-

"Congratulation Erza! Hey, when things are back to normal, we should celebrate!! Only with the peoples who knows about it!"

Back to normal... huh...

I stared at a flower that is in front of me. Then I saw a hand, it grab the flower and pulled it of. I look up to see who it is.


He then sat down in front of me, leaned against me. He put the flower on my ear.

"Alice you Baka, stop thinking about it. No matter what happen, I'll always be there for you." He then kiss my soft cheek. He got up and turn into a bat. He flew away.

I look at Wendy and Erza. They were blushing. And made a perverted face.

"You liiiiiiike him..." They said.

"Heh!? What are you talking about!? I don't like him. He likes me!! Why would I like that weirdo!?" I yelled while making an angry face.

Why would I like that Idiot!? I aint interesting in guys... I'm only interesting in what's happening right now... big sister...

We kept talking about Jerza and Yoru. Baka can't they stop talking about me and Yoru!!

"Hey, did you see Natsu when he was sleeping?" I asked. Everone nodded.

Everyone got up, includin me, and headed torward the wagon. We saw Lucy and Natsu. Natsu was hugging Lucy arm while Lucy was holding Natsu hand smiling and blushing. Gray was at the corner just waking up. He got up. He looked at us with a confusing face. We pointed at Natsu and Lucy. He then looked at them. He gave us an evil smirk. Then I got up and woke up Lucy, trying not to wake up Natsu. Lucy eyes began to open.

"Huh? Oh Ohio Alice..." She said while yawned. I gave her an evil smirk. She was confuse and a little scared. She saw everyone giving her the same smirk. She was confused and scared at the same time. I pointed at Natsu. She looked at him. She notice what was happening.


Natsu woke up by Lucy scream. He notice what he was doing. He lets go of Lucy. Happy and Carla woke up. Carla notice that Happy was sleeping next to her. Happy notice too. She kicked Happy on his face while saying,  "Happy what are you doing!!!" He landed outside.

"Sorwy Carla..."

"You liiiiiike her..." I whisper to Natsu ear. He blush then his stomach growled.

"Happy!! Lets go hunt for food!!!" He ran while holding Happy by the tail.


There he goes...

Then I felt someone hugging be from the behind. I turn around.


"Yoru!?!" I screamed his name so loud that he cab let go of me, it sonetime happen.

"Alice... I like you... No... I love you... Alice... forever..."

He smell... different...

I notice that everyone heard what he said, they were blushin and making faces at me. Yoru suddenly kissed me on the cheek, so close to my lips. Everyone was making an Awww face.

Wait!!! This sense... Yoru!!!

I punch Yoru at the stomach. And flip him over, making him lay on his stomach.

"What was that, Alice!?" Lucy asked.

I sat on Yoru.

"Yoru is under a spell!!"

"Yoru!!! Come back!!! Baka!!!" I yelled while slamming his face to the ground. Everyone sweatdrop. Then Yoru turn into a shadow and disappered.

I was hit by the back. I fall onto my knees, I turn around and saw Yoru. His eyes was plain. Then Everyone ran to me.

"Yoru, hang in there!! It's us!! Fairy Tail!! Your Nakama!" Erza yelled.

"Hmph, na..kama. Your wrong. Now disapper!!"

Sucked shadows!!!

Everyone shadows, except me, was swallowin them.

"Yoru!!! Cut it out!!" I yelled. He made an evil laugh. I looked at them. I snapped my fingers and made the plants grab my friends and pull then out.

wait... "My friends..."...?

Everyone was free.

Fly Trap!!!

But now Yoru controlled the plants. They were squeezed by the plants.

What can I do!? I need to snap out of Yoru.... He not strong than me but he have skills...

Then it hit me, I know what to do... Jesus help me... but I have no choice!!!

I ran up to Yoru.

Water Cannon!!!

He try to attack me, but I blocked it.

Damn, my weakness is water...

I reached up to Yoru, I hugged Yoru and stop him from making the next move. He was about to make the next move. Until I stopped him.

Water Loc-

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