Epilogue|| part 2 || the end

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A few months later

Pov Rye
There he is, my beautiful, stunning future husband. He is in a costume, big smile, shining eyes with a little bit happy tears in. Andy's mother is capital bridesmaid, my mother is bridesmaid same as my little twin brothers and then you have rob, he is also a capital bridesmaid from me. Andy his father is bringing Andy to the altar where I am standing, waiting for my angel. I feel that there are also tears from happiness in my eyes. It seems like everything goes in slow motion, the only thing I see is Andy and Andy me. Today nothing else matter but us two. He comes closer, until he stands finally in front of me. I smile slightly and take his hand. We look at each other while the priest start talking. ^we are here today, to confess the love between two people, for now and for ever. We start with the love pronunciations, Andrew Fowler, do you start?^ He nods and look in my eyes "Ryan Beaumont, i think it's obvious why I love you, from the moment I looked the first time in your eyes, i pretty hoped that you would be my futur husband, and look now." I chuckle slightly "I love you not because you are handsome, even tho that is a little word to describe how hot you are. I love you because how you are, you are sweet, protective, amazing. And I can go on and on and on. You maked my first time extra special, I couldn't wish for a better person because I don't think there is a better person then you, I love you Ryan Beaumont" happy tears rolling down my face. ^Ryan Beaumont your one?^ I nod and look in Andy his eyes 'I was so nervous to do this and that I would forget everything I wanted to say, and yes I did forget because there are to many things to say' I let out a nervous laugh 'so Andrew Robert Fowler, The new kid, Little, Angel , soulmate, I have a lot names for you, anyway, I didn't believe in love or something in that direction but that all changed when I saw you for the first time. I guess it was love on first sigh.' I chuckle and he smiles ' There is no reason why I love you and on the same time to many reasons. I just do. You are special, I saw you, I wanted to know you, I started to like you then it changed in love and now we are here.' I point at the place 'from the moment we had our first kiss, my goals are to protect you, to treat you as a princess, to make you the happiest boy on earth and most of all to make you my one and only. When we started to spend literally all our time together I became scared, that You will be bored off me, but after a good year I know it's real love Because of you Andy fowler, there clicked something inside me. You even make me cry and normally I don't cry. So now I couldn't think of a life without you. Andrew you're a special one, you did make a better man off me , I love you.' Now Andy is crying from happiness to and we hear all awww from different people. ^bring the rings^ my little brothers bring it. I take one ^Andrew Robert Fowler, do you take Ryan Leonard Beaumont as your husband, do you promise to take care of him and love him until death split you two apart^ he smiles brightly "i freaking do" I smile and shove the ring around his finger then Andy take the other ring^Ryan Leonard Beaumont do you take Andrew Robert Fowler as your husband, you promise to take care of him and love him until death split you apart^ i smile more 'even the death can't change my love, I do' Andy chuckles, smiles and shove the ring around my finger ^you can kiss the bride^ i smirk 'nah I think I'll pass' Andy shake his head smiling and take me by my shirt, pull me roughly closer to him and say against my lips "shut up dork" then he smash his lips on mine I do my arms around his waist and he around my neck. Everyone is clapping and cheering.
After a good few hours we have finally the party. After we ate me and Andy start the opening dance, we choose thinking out loud, because it remind us of our first date. We dance and look in each other eyes, damn I love him. Then everyone comes on the dance floor and we laugh and dance as dorks. Later in the night we cut the wedding cake together and I do a bit on Andy his nose, he laughs and do it on my cheek. Then we go dance again after eating it. A lot of people give speeches and gifts. When it gets to hot inside I go outside , sitting on a bench looking at nothing and thinking. After 5minutes Andy sits next to me and place his head on my shoulder. "I can't believe this is really happening, the day we first met seems like yesterday" I smile 'I know right?' He looks at me and I look back. I do my forehead against his one. 'Hey Andy?' He nods "yes darling?" I smile and look in his eyes whisper 'you did it' he frowns "did what?" I smile, kiss him gently but passionate and then whisper against his lips

'you fixed me.'

I'm crying
This is the end
My first book is done.
Sorry emotional moment for me
Anyway I want to thank all my viewers and supporters. All the people who voted, commented or even added this to a reading list.
Sorry I am not going to do the Q&A...
The last time in this book I say this
Love ya xxxx

I Will fix him {Randy fanfic} *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now