In The Moonlight - Donnie x Reader

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A/n: Love you guys so much! You guys are awesome and I hope you all enjoy reading this first One-shot!

07•25•2018 - EDITED


You were walking home from piano practice, it being super late because of the teacher being late to your class. Your class was SUPOSE to start at 5 and end at 7, but it ended at 10.

You always walked the same old path to your house; through the alley ways.

You sighed to yourself. Your adoptive mother is going to be pissed if she noticed you weren't in your room for 5 hours. Eh. She probably wouldn't have noticed anyway. She probably left at 4 and won't be back until 11.

You finally came to the alley way beside your apartment. You climbed the fire escape to the 11th floor and slid open your bed room window.

You jumped inside and closed the window behind you.

You walked through your apartment to the kitchen, in seach of food and your mother.

You paused in the doorway to the kitchen when you saw a note on the kitchen island counter top.

You causously walked to it and picked it up.

You let out a sigh of relief when you reconised your adotive mother's, Donna's, handwriting.

"Dear Y/n, I will be going on a business trip to Brasil for 3 months. You know where the spare money is. I already paid the apartment rent for the time I will be gone. I love you dear, be safe. Love, Your Mother." you read outloud.

You rolled your eyes and ripped the paper into 8th's. You truely didn't give a single shit about your adoptive mother. She was evil in your eyes, always having very strict rules on eveything from friends to your phone background.

You dropped the ripped pieces of paper into the garbage and pulled out your phone.

You called your favourite local pizza place and ordered your favourite pizza. They said they were a little low on staff, so it would be there in 40 minutes to an hour. You didn't care, as long as you got your pizza.

You sighed and thought a little bit.

'It's 10:15, so that means the stars are out. I didn't see any clouds in the sky. Maybe I could climb the fire escape to the roof and look at the stars.' You concluded.

You decided to look at the stars from the roof for a little bit.

You trotted to your room and slid out your window again.

You skipped up the fire escape and pulled yourself onto the roof of your apartment complex.

You sat on the edge of the roof top and stared at the stars.

It had also happened to be a full moon tonight, which was beautiful.

It made the never-quiet city of New York glow further, the few cars that passed on the street below gave into the calm aesthetic feel of the city from your point of view.

As you stared at the stars and sky in awe, a certain turtle spotted you.

The purple masked turtle stared at you, completely in bewilderment by the sparkle of your eyes.

He adored the way that your e/c eyes sparkled in the moon light and your beautiful h/l h/c hair blew softly behind you.

You were one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen.

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