Not From This World - Donnie × Reader

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Requested by; Totally_Weird


Second Person

You walked down the street with a small pep in your step. Tonight was the night! Tonight was the Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle marathon!

You were on your way home from school so you decided to hit by your favourite pizza place to pick up two pizzas for yourself.

You made it to your apartment complex a few minutes after leaving the pizza place. You walked inside and went to the elevator. The elevator was already open with your neighbor, Ms. Angel, inside. You hit the 3rd floor button, then waited for the doors to close and for the elevator to go up.

It was a quick elevator ride, and you made it to your destination quickly. You waved goodbye to Ms. Angel before disappearing into your apartment.

You looked around for your parents and your older sister, only to find two notes on the kitchen counter. One was from your sister, and the other was from your parents. You placed the pizza boxes on the counter before picking up the notes.

You read the one from your mother first, her's was written neatly on a sheet of notebook paper in black pen, reading;

Dear Y/n and S/n,
Your Dad and I will
be gone on a
business trip in
New Jersey for the
weekend. Please
enjoy yourselves
and remember to
get the mail
tomorrow morning
and throw the trash
out before Sunday.
We love you two,

S/n on the other hand, had written her note sloppily on the back of what looked like an old math quiz with an orange crayola marker that was thrown ontop of the paper.

Aye Sis, I'll be gone
for the weekend!
I'm going to the
beach with my bf
and my BFF's so
enjoy the house to
~ily you nerd, S/n

You smiled kindly at the notes and crumpled them up before swiftly throwing them in the garbage bin.

You broke into a sprint, heading straight for your room. You threw your bookbag in the corner of the room, you wouldn't have to worry about the damn thing until you were frantically doing your homework at three am Monday morning.

You didn't change your clothes, since you were already in an oversized hoodie and leggings. You walked into the living room with a blanket in your arms and threw it on to the couch.

You ran into the kitchen, pouring yourself a glass of F/d and grabbing the pizzas before heading back into the living room.

You snatched up the TV remote and pressed the on button. Navigating the menu smoothly, you made it to the marathon a few seconds before it started.

You squealed loudly, then sang obnoxious to the intro music. You sang every word with joy. Who gave a fuck if your neighbours heard you blasting TMNT episodes? As long as you were having fun it didn't matter–right?

After well into season three, you passed the fuck out. You would be alright, you were just warm, full, happy, and tired. All of those things together make for a peaceful sleep.


The light's in your apartment flickered, then the building shook. You never woke up–you being a heavy sleeper and all.

The TV fizzled and popped, sparks flying. A fee sparks landed on your skin; leaving tiny burns.

You groaned an flipped over. That's when you noticed the hard, uncomfortable feeling of concrete.

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