I Could Never Leave - Mikey x Anxious! Reader

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A/n: I know, its been a few days I have updated this story, I'm sorry. These One-Shots actually take longer than most parts for my other books. I hope you guys like this part.

And, just so you guys know;

• • • - means a time skip.

08•17•2018 - EDITED


Readers POV

I quietly fiddled with my fingers while sitting in class.

I was in my last class of the day, Geometry.

I was nervously hoping I didn't get called on.

My friend, April O'Neil, placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and said, "Hey, Chill. We only have five more minutes, you'll be fine." I nodded, still worried about being called on.

To my very worried disliking, I was called on.

"Y/n, can you read and give us the answer to number seventeen?" Ms. Michelle said.

I gulped as all eyes were on me.

I glanced to my paper at the question before reading it out loud.

"U-Uh, 8² x -9 (√16) (eight squared times negative nine times the square root of sixteen)." I said shakily. (IDK if this is geometry, but it's Algebra, so close enough.)

"Yes. And the answer?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I mumbled, "two thousand three hundred four...?"

"Can you repeat that louder, dear? I couldn't hear you." Ms. Michelle requested.

I was about to burst into tears, until April glanced at me and said, "She said 'two thousand three hundred four', Ms. Michelle."

The teacher nodded and I let out a shaky sigh. "T-Thanks for the save, April." I whispered to her.

She nodded. "No problem, friendo."

• • •

Five minutes later the bell rang.

I leaped from my seat, quickly scooping up my school items and running for the door. I was the first out the door, as per-usual.

I jogged to my locker and quickly unlocked the lock.

Upon entering my locker combination, I threw the locker open.

I shoved all my books into my book bag and threw the bag onto my left shoulder.

I slammed the locker shut and locked it before running off the school grounds to my fathers bakery.

Usually, on week days, I didn't work at my dad's bakery, 'Sweet Surprises', but my dad was sick today.

So, I quickly ran to my fathers bakery and ran to the back entrance.

I unlocked the door, walked inside, and flipped the light switch on. I dropped my bag next to the back door before it swung closed.

Right after, I noticed a note taped to the door.

I grabbed the note a noticed it was written in my father's neat handwriting.

'Dear Y/n, I have a few friends that stop by in the alleyway behind the bakery that usually pickup a few sweets. They stop by later, around closing time. Please don't be alarmed when you see them, they are friendly. I have their treats pre-packaged in the fridge. Love, dad.'

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