School Shooter - Leo × Reader

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School Shooter - Leo × Reader

Requested by; guardianinblue

Bro, you requested this in like January and I honestly kept stalling this because I didn't know how to write this 😭 T^T

Lmao sorry fam



-Harper_Lillie 💋


Y/n's POV

Sitting in class I mindlessly fiddled with my pen.

Sitting beside me was my friend and crush of three months now, Leonardo.

I looked at him.

He stared at the teacher with a bored look and dragged a hand messily through his black hair.

I admired him and his dark sapphire blue eyes suddenly met my e/c eyes.

My face flushed and Leo smiled his hypnotizing smile.

I looked away and messed with my pen more.

Leo tapped my shoulder lightly.

I looked to him.

"You should be paying attenti-" Leo started, but was cut off by a loud gunshot.

I gasped, my eyes widening in horror.

A girl down the hallway screamed.

Leo looked to me with wide eyes and mumbled, "not now,"

The teacher yelled for us to close the blinds and block up the door.

Leo ran for the door.

"Leo!" I yelled, clutching his arm.

"Where the hell are you going?" I asked desperately.

Leo looked into my eyes calmly.

"To save people," He said.

I didn't expect it to happen, but Leo gently pressed his lips to mine.

I was startled and kissed back.

"Stay safe," Leo whispered.

I nodded and let him go with tears in my eyes.

Leo ran out of the room, the teacher slamming his desk in front of the door right after.

All of the students piled into the far corner of the room.

Gunshots sounded, far away at the other end of the school.

I put my head into my hands and prayed for Leo to be okay.

I couldn't handle losing him too, not right after my parents.

Slamming startled me from my daydream.

Someone was slamming against the classroom door.

A robotic voice said loudly, "Kraang must find girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes! Kraang must find-" The voice was cut short and a voice that sounded all too similar to Raph, Leo's brother, shouted, "Shut up ya stupid robot!"

Suddenly, the door slammed open.

A girl screamed.

"Sh! We gotta get the hell outta here! They're gonna explode the school." The red-headed Raph said.

My eyes widened in shock at seeing the dead robot on the ground outside the door.

Everyone got up quickly and started running outside the school.

Raph ran behind them all but I grabbed his upper arm quickly.

"Where is Leo?" I asked quickly.

Raph gave me a weird look, "doesn't matter, we need to leave,"

Raph freed himself from my grip and ran off after my class.

I ran out of the class room and in the opposite direction of the front doors.

"LEO!" I screamed, running down the hallways.

"LEO, WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yelled desperately.

I saw robots dead all around me whilst running down the hall.

I stopped and panted heavily.

"L-LEO!!" I called.

I fell to my knees while panting.

"Y/N?!" A voice yelled.


"Leo!!" I yelled back.

Leo turned a corner with a hoard of robots following right behind him.

"Y/n, get up!!" Leo called whilst running to me as fast as he could.

I stood quickly, still panting.

Leo skidded to a stop in front of me, protecting me fearlessly.

"There's too many of them, okay? In the school! We need to get out of here as fast as we can before this place goes kaboom!" Leo shouted.

I started running, Leo following after me.

The bots kept yelling something about Kraang and collecting me.

I gasped as fumes filled my nose.

We weren't going to get out of here.

Not through the front door atleast.

I grabbed Leo's hand and yanked him into an open room.

I slammed the door shut, but one robot got caught in the door.

"Go!" I slammed the door once. "The!" I slammed it again. "Fuck!" I slammed it again. "AWAY!" I screamed, slamming the door multiple times on the robot in the door, it's limb getting split from the rest of the robot.

I locked the door and Leo helped me maneuver things in front of the door.

"You can smell them too, huh?" Leo grunted.

I nodded frantically.

"We weren't gonna make it to the front doors. We're on the third floor." I said.

Leo nodded with understanding.

I hugged Leo and said something I never thought I'd have the guts to do.

"I love you, Leo"

Leo kissed my forehead.

"I love you too,"

I went to the window and opened it.

I looked to Leo and said, "let's do this,"

Leo and I held hand as we prepared to jump.


The door burst open because of the robots.


Leo and I ran forward.

"Three!" We screamed in unison.

Together we jumped out the window on three.

As we jumped out of the window the school exploded.

I screamed as the ground approached.

"Oh my God-"


I dont know if that was good enough for you, guardianinblue, but I tried 😭

I love you all!

Have a great day my lovelies XOXO

-Harper_Lillie 💋

882 Words

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