Match-up #4

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This is for Rainbowgaming06 :)
You never specified if Moonlight was you or an OC, but by your bio saying your name is Lilly, I'll take a guess that Moonlight is an OC.

(So many people like singing, dancing, and writing! Damn, man.)

I would pair Moonlight with... Raph! (Even though it was a close call with Mikey again lol)

Even if Moonlight doesn't really like singing in front of people or letting people read her writings, Raph is just so... easy for her to bend to.

Raph would think the writings are cool and very interesting, even if he doesn't really understand what's happening.

He would most likely love her cooking and he would probably love watching her dance. Especially if he caught Moonlight dancing around the kitchen one morning cooking or cleaning in a shirt of his.

Speaking of cleaning, he likes that Moonlight cleans up because none of his brothers do and he doesn't really know how to. (He also likes watching her move around so gracefully – even if she's clumsy – and so meaningfully.)

He loves her singing. She might think she's bad, but Raph thinks Moonlight is the best singer in the whole world!

Moonlight plays Volleyball? She had no idea how badly Raph wanted to watch her play until he says, "I would kill to see 'er play!"

And hey – just so you know – Raph thinks the scar right her eye is super cool ;)

Sorry if it's bad, I tried ;–;

XOXO babies,
ɧศг℘εг 🥀

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