Dedication - Casey Jones × Sporty! Reader

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Dedication - Casey Jones × Sporty!Reader


I hope you guys enjoy this part, I had fun writing it

I will get my requested oneshots out soon, don't worry!

But I really would like to hear what you guys would want for oneshots! For example; do you want more cheesy ones and lovey dovey ones, or do you want sad ones like the Raph × Reader I wrote? Do you guys want a boyfriend scenario book eventually? Do you guys want me to add, like, those preference chapters? I wanna hear from you guys T^T



-Harper_Lillie 💋


Y/n's POV

Y/n was dedicated.

Y/n had always been put aside by people because they underestimated her.

Y/n loved sports, but she wasn't allowed on any of the teams.


Because they were boy's only sports.

Y/n hated that standard.

She hated how every girl in her school was supposed to act like a bitchy princess and wear makeup.

She hated how the boys also had the expectation to be a big beefy guy who plays sports.

Y/n wanted it equal.

Y/n wanted the girls to be able to play sports and she wanted the boys not to have to play sports.

Y/n had been fighting with the school since she started high school at fourteen.

All she wanted was for it to be equal and fair.

But being a human with emotions, Y/n had to fall for someone one day.

And that someone just so happened to be the school try-hard flirt, Casey Jones.

Y/n was entertained by Casey since middle school. She watched from the crowd and laughed.

Y/n found it entertaining that he tried so hard to flirt with people, but he always failed.

Casey's favourite person to flirt with was Y/n.

Y/n didn't mind.

Y/n wanted to play sports so much though, that she put her feelings for the boy aside and lashed out at him in anger.

Y/n tried. She tried so hard to hide her feelings for the boy.

But every night, when she's by herself in her room, she breaks down.

She wants to tell him.

But she doesn't think he'll like her back.

He flirts with everyone, how is she different?

Y/n didn't know that she was actually different to Casey.

Casey had a crush on Y/n since middle school, she was the reason he acted out so much. For her attention. For her smile that he could point out in a crowd.

One day Y/n had finally convinced the school to let girls onto the sports team.

Y/n was so happy and she was immediately congratulated for her accomplishment.

Y/n also started softening up around Casey.

Y/n immediately joined the ice hockey team and the soccer team. Her two favourite sports.

Casey was surprised that she wanted to play such a sport.

Casey was excited. So was Y/n.

After a few games, Y/n was labeled the second best player of the ice hockey team and the best player or the soccer team.

Y/n was ecstatic. Her excitment was through the roof.

Casey walked towards Y/n after their game and grinned at her.

"Good job hot stuff." Casey complimented.

Y/n blushed slightly and smiled.

Y/n shoved Casey's shoulder, "You're the last one I have to beat."

Y/n turned to leave, getting ready to walk towards the door.

Casey grabbed Y/n by the waist quickly before she walked away.

"But you already did." Casey said into Y/n's neck.

Y/n's face was bright red as she turned her head slightly to Casey and he looked up at her.

"What the f-fuck are you doing..?" Y/n mumbled.

"Will you go out with me?" Casey asked.

Y/n's eyes widened with surprise and she slowly dropped her bag and grabbed Casey's hands.

"Fuck yes!" Y/n cheered.

Casey picked up his head and smiled showing off his missing teeth.

"Great, I'll pick you up Sunday at five thirty from your place." Casey said.

Casey kissed Y/n's cheek and walked off, a skip in his step.

Casey waved at Y/n before walking out the door and out of Y/n's view.

Y/n gently touched her cheek and grinned happily.

"Yes!" Y/n squealed and she grabbed her bag and smiled the whole walk home.

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