Book Paradise - Leo × Bookworm! Reader

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Another part coming out later or tomorrow!

This Oneshot was requested by 17LucyHeartfilia17, I hope you like :)

Enjoy! XOXO



Y/n was just sitting around in her room.

Her room also doubled as a library.

Bookcases lined the walls, books of every genre. Books from all over the place, even books from places Y/n didn't know existed because they were so old.

Her room was littered with books, an aesthetic Y/n personally liked.

Her bed was centered with on of the walls, the wall opposite of it had a desk covered in books. Her bed was neatly made with huge fluffy blankets Y/n enjoyed snuggling with her boyfriend in.

The rest of the walls had bookshelves covering them, a few single wall shelves hung off the walls too.

Plants went with the library-like aesthetic. Green and a dark wood just went together so well.

Y/n was sitting on then bench of her windowsill which lead to the fire escape.

Y/n was waiting for her boyfriend, Leo, with her windows wide open.

It was about one pm, the sun shining above. The wind gently moved the light brown curtains and Y/n looked up from her book to look out the window.

Y/n sighed slightly. The world was just such a beautiful place, with beautiful people and beings and buildings. Mother Earth was covered in secrets yet to be discovered, the crazy depths of the ocean could be hiding anything.

Y/n adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose and put her bookmark in her book. She closed the book, setting it aside, and then standing.

She cleaned off her clothes, even though their was nothing wrong.

Y/n was wearing a cute oversized Marvel tee-shirt and a simple light gray skirt. Y/n's f/c socks kind of following the theme.

Y/n smiled to herself.

She was thinking about her boyfriend as she made her way to the kitchenette in her apartment.

The tea kettle was put on the counter, and the water was put into it. The tea leaves were grabbed as were two Space Hero mugs for herself and Leo.

Leo was her night in shining armour. She will forever remember how Leo had so selflessly swooped down from the rooftops to save Y/n from the Purple Dragons.

Right after they were gone, Y/n shyly demanded that he had to stand in the light so Y/n could she her saviour.

Y/n was no where near surprised when Leo had stepped out of the midnight shadows into the moonlight. Y/n had seen plenty of movies, and read plenty more books and comics.

Leo was thoroughly surprised when Y/n's first instinct was to lunge at him to give him a hug.

With a delighted grin Leo accepted Y/n's hug and sealed the deal on their strong friendship.

Eventually, Y/n and Leo were hanging out every night and Y/n got a very sweet confession from Leo. Y/n then became Leo's proud, yet shy, girlfriend.

Y/n meet his brothers, then Master Splinter.

The brothers accepted Y/n quickly. The only one that was thought might have a problem, Raph, was a little rough on Y/n at first, but after seeing her shy, quiet, and calm demeanor, he had no doubt that Y/n's wouldn't even hurt a fly.

Today was what Y/n and Leo called, Cuddle day.

Cuddle day is one day out of the whole week where Y/n and Leo just read books, cuddle, watch movies, and chat together.

Leo was right on time, startling Y/n when he wrapped his arms around Y/n's shoulders from behind the couch.

"H-Hi Leo!" Y/n stuttered, shyly tucking a tuff of her long h/t h/c hair behind her right ear.

"Hello Sweetheart," Leo said into the skin of Y/n's neck.

Y/n's face turned a soft cottoncandy pink.

Y/n gently wrapped her hands around Leo's forearms and squeezed in a comforting way.

"I started tea," Y/n said. "Your favourite." Leo pressed a kiss to Y/n's neck, then her forehead.

Leo let go of Y/n and started talking off his ninja gear.

A loving smile crept up to Y/n's lips as she stood up and when to Leo.

"You're my favourite living thing on this planet," Y/n said to Leo, accepting the sweet kiss he pressed to her lips shortly after.

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