Whispers - Donnie × Shy! Insecure! Reader

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This was requested by pinktelwyn97, I hope you enjoy fam, cuz this is for you!

If you can't read the whole title, it says;

Whispers - Donnie x Shy! Insecure! Reader

Enjoy my peeps



Y/n's POV

I sat quietly in art class, my last class of the day, blankly staring out the window. I watched the wind softly blow the leaves of the scarce Autumn tree leaves. I saw the leaves of the bushes wave to me.

"Y/N!" My annoying art teachers voice called to me. I quickly turned my head, my short h/c hair fluffing on my shoulders because of the shoulder length cut it has.

"Y-Yes..?" I asked, feeling my face flush. I always hated my shy stutter. It makes me sound like a wimp. Even though I am one.

"What does value add to our art pieces?!" She yelled in her annoying voice with a glare in my direction. I felt my face flush a bright pink as everyone was looking at me, some snickering, others giving looks of pity or not even paying attention.

"U-Uh... um, to a-add depth-h and... uh... m-make our a-art pieces-s l-look three-d" I mumbled loud enough for her to hear.

The teacher gained a look of annoyance at my right answer and rolled her eyes. "You are correct" she sighed. Did she really want me to fail that bad..?

I zoned out as the teacher continued her lesson, staring out the window yet again.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and yelped, shrinking down in my oversized hoodie. I looked to who tapped my shoulder and spotted April O'Neil, one of my friends who introduced me to my current boyfriend.

April offered a hand and said, "C'mon, we have to leave before miss Kirl yells at you again. I nodded shyly.

I gently took her hand and picked up my things. April walked beside me as we went to our lockers, which were beside each other.

April and I have had all the same classes since second grade, and we have been stuck together like glue since we met.

I grabbed my cute black bookbag with f/c floral print (If you're favourite colour is black then change the main colour from black to white, thanks, bye) on it and put my sketchbook and my two psychology notebooks in it. I put my government textbook and notebook into my bookbag also.

I slipped my gym shorts and t-shirt into my floral bookbag and grabbed my book and pencil pouch and put those in my bookbag. I glanced at April, noticing her just about done putting her things away.

I grabbed my lock to my locker and was about to lock it onto my locker, but right when I was about to, Casey jumped at me and leaned on my locker. I squeaked and dropped my lock, hiding my face in my sweater paws.

Casey laughed and April hit him in the back of the head. "Casey, not cool!" April said to him. Casey pouted, "why not? It was funny!"

April had an upset face as she looked to me slowly picking up my lock with tears in my eyes. She went to me and hugged and tight.

I sniffled and hugged her back. I pulled away from the hug and April yelled at Casey whilst I put the lock on my locker.

I tapped April's shoulder and she stopped yelling at Casey. "We c-can go now..." I mumbled softly. April, Casey, and I walked out of the school and towards my apartment complex.

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