Match-up #1

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For Nightbird305 :)

I would match Bird with Mikey.

Mikey would love that Bird is silly and that she can't dance. He would probably try and get her to dance around with him to be goofy and to get you to laugh.

Mikey – being short compared to his brothers – would love that she's only 5'3.

I feel like Mikey would love that she draws and writes. I feel like he would love to trace the freckles on her shoulders whilst Bird talks about her writings (even if she's frustrated). Mikey might even want to chill with her as he plays videogames or steals Raph's comics to read. He would want to be all cheesy with Bird and have her sit in his lap and draw whilst he reads comics or plays videogames.

I feel as though he wouldn't know she likes swimming until he gets curious of where Bird was all day and she sends him a picture of herself in a pool, chilling,  with a message following saying; "just been at the pool, swimming around!"

He might get a little jealous if she hangs out with Leo just a little more than him beacuse Leo and Bird get along well. Leo would probably end up being Bird's best friend.

Mikey would most likely find all her quirks cute, even if Bird thinks it's embarrassing that she bites her nails. He might find in a little scary or concerning that Bird can crack her back, since he can't do that himself.

Finally, I feel like he would love Bird's eyes. I don't know why, Bird doesn't know why, but he does.

Hope you liked it, I tried.

I seriously trying to post more and I think these are fun :)

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