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[Match-ups are closed!]

Hey guys!

So I'm thinking that since I haven't seen very many match-ups for TMNT I might as well try?

Let my know what you think and I might open another book specifically for it!

But for now, I'll do a few here and if you like them, let me know!

So, the format!

(Yes, you can use your OCs)
[I might add more things to this and I might take away things, i don't really know]

Your name (please tell me if it's you or an OC!):
Human or a mutant? What kind of mutant?:
Your height:
Your personality(at least 3 traits):
Who you get along with best (are your closer friends nerds? Jocks? Goths? Or do you get along with everyone?):
Your hobbies:
A few habits:
Physical features that stand out?: (i.e. glasses, freckles, scars)
Hair colour, style, and length:
Eye colour:
Anything extra:

Thank you for reading if you have! Don't be scared to comment, I like keeping your opinions in mind! And you can always ask questions!

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