Trap - Mikey × Nekojin! Reader

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Requested by Tomayto_othamoT

3rd Person Narrative

Y/n gently glided along the sidewalk with a pep in her step. Nothing could stop her today, Y/n was very confident about that.

'Today will be the day I confess!' Y/n declared to herself. The neko swished her tail happily and went into the familiar alleyway. She went to the man cover that she left wedged loose for years and crawled down into the sewers, leaving the man cover ajar.

The half-cat-half-human gurl skipped down the path she traveled daily and entered the silent lair. She guessed they we're on patrol, so she hopped into the kitchen and decided to talk to Ice Cream Kitty.

"Merrrow!" Kitty greeted happily. Y/n giggled and grabbed the carton Kitty lives in. Y/n's tail waved as she spoke with Ice Cream Kitty. Y/n spent about thirty minutes talking with Kitty, but then Kitty started to melt.

Y/n pouted and said, "Sorry Kitty, but I have to put up. We don't need you being an ice cream puddle, do we?" Kitty 'merrowed' sadly.

"I know, I know, but I don't want Mikey mad at me!" I explained with a pouty face. Kitty meowed again before I picked them and carried Kitty to the freezer. I opened the door and placed Kitty down.

(Bro, is ICK a girl or a boy? Or is Kitty just neutral?)

Then, I heard laughter and a loud yell. I giggled, knowing it was probably Mikey laughing and Raph yelling. Mikey came sprinting into the lair, spotting me.

Mikey darted behind me yelling, "Hey dudette!" Raphael came tumbling into the kitchen right after.

"Move, Y/n!" Raph shouted aggressively. My face flushed bright red as Mikey wrapped his arms around my waist to I couldn't leave him to be spared with little mercy from his brother.

"Sorry Raph, but I'm not moving." I looked Raph over as he fumed. Leo and Donnie came in, walking. Raph fumed and turned away. He stomped of towards the punching bag to beat it up.

I looked over my shoulder towards Mikey and said, "We should leave his line of sight." Mikey agreed.

Then, we headed together to the exit of the sewers. I giggled happily to Mikey's jokes. I let him lead the way, since I'm bad with location.

"Up and up, Princess Kitty!" Mikey said, childishly bowing whilst motioning to the ladder. I blush.

"Thank you, kind knight!" I patted his head. He laughed and leaned up as I started climbing. I reached the top shortly.

With all my might and with my feet securely hooked onto the ladder, I shoved the manhole cover out of the way. I huffed and moved out of the sewers.

"C'mon, Mikey! Coast is clear!" I hollered down to him. Mikey came hoping out a second later. I looked at Mikey strangely as he fiddled with his hands.

"What's the matter, Mikey? You never act like this," I stated sassily, my tail flicking and my ears pointed backwards in a concerned manner.

Mikey shook his head and said, "I can trust you, right?"

"Of course!" I shouted in disbelief that he would think otherwise.

Mikey stuttered out, "Umm... Well, I really like April and I don't know what to do..."

I felt my heart shatter. In shock and saddened heartbreak, I sucked in a sharp breath. It felt like my ribs were pressing in too tight on my lungs. I couldn't breath.

I felt my shirt soak, the fabric dampening and sticking to the skin of my chest. I touched my cheeks gently. Tears were dripping down my face.

I ran away from Mikey, my heart aching harder when I heard Mikey shouting after me. Before lunging into the open sidewalk, I turned into my cat form. A misrable meow left my mouth.

"Y/N! COME BACK!" Mikey yelled.

I rounded a corner into another alley. I climbed the fire escape to the forth floor. I turned human, then opened the window. I closed the window behind myself. I locked it before sprinting into my bathroom. I heard Mikey knocking on my window as I slammed the bathroom door shut.

I stun around and pressed my back into the wood of the door. A heartbreaking sob ripped through my throat as I slid down the door until my ass hit the floor. I tried to wipe my tears away, but the act was fruitless.

"WHAT'S WRONG, Y/N?!" I sobbed my heart out.

"Please j-just leave-e..." I hiccupped.

My best friends, both falling in love with the same girl. April likes Casey, Donnie and Mikey like April, and I like Mikey. What a depressing shape this world has decided to make.

Eventually, Mikey stopped knocking. I thought he left, and that's a good thing. Broken cries left my lips. My mind was hazy. Strangely, my chest physically hurt.

That's when I remembered what my mother went through.

.   .   .



"Yes?" My mother replied calmly dispite the tears on her face.

"Why are you in pain?"

"Well," She started. "When you think someone is your soulmate and that you're destined to be, for nekos atleast, it hurts physically sweetie," She told me.

"Oh..." I murmured. "Do I have to? I don't wanna... It seems like it hurts a lot, Momma..."

"It'll only happen if you turn out the same way as me, honey..."

.   .   .

More tears poured, and poured, and poured. I clutched my chest excruciatingly. My heart clenched making me cry out. I screamed, but it was broken up with tears and hiccups. My tail flicked as my ears laid flat to my skull.

How did I call into this trap?


Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting, your girl has been bipolar lately.

Basically, I broke up with my bf and then my Guinea pigs died as a form of karma and then I fell out of the fandom and then I lost a friend bc she was homophobic and found out I wasn't straight (she also found out i'm atheist) but it's okie. I'm okie :) (also a teacher might like me but idk)

I'll get to regularly posting one day

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1,038 Words

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