[Soulmate AU] Raph x Reader

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I just wanted to try out an imagine type thingy to see how I like it cuz I might open a book separately for imagines.

This is a soulmate btw, so enjoy!

Imagine Raph being your soulmate in an alternate universe. Imagine not knowing your soulmate was a legit turtle even if all the signs were there.


Y/n's POV

Four Years Ago

I hummed quietly to myself as I stared intently at the little tattoo-like drawing on my wrist. I was only fifteen and things related to my soulmate were already showing up!

Let's back up a little, and start from the base line. In my world, as you get older things relating to your soulmate and how you meet are left like little tattoos on your skin. People usually get their first sign at seventeen or eighteen.

So, you could imagine my excitement when a cute little turtle tattoo was on my wrist one morning at only fifteen! When I first found it I danced around so excited and showed it to everyone!

I giggled to myself and I just thought, I can't wait to meet them.


I laughed softly with my friend as we contemplated what our soulmate's were like.

Over the years after I got my first sign, I got: a little container sign with this pretty blueish-green liquid in it, a cool looking robot with a brain in it's stomach, two sais, an open comic book, and a red bandana mask-thing.

"Maybe they're a ninja!" Amelia giggled, crouching down on the rooftop and using the throat of her black turtleneck to hide the bottom half of her face.

I laughed and hit her shoulder lightly.

"There's no way my soulmate would be that cool and then Jesus be like, "that's your soulmate, haha lol"," I said.

Amelia giggled with me and I looked at her little signs. She also had a little turtle, a robot, and the little container. She had the same mask, just her's was orange. She had a little console remote and a slice of pizza, too.

"Do you think our soulmates are like, best friends or twins or something..?" I asked after a few silent minutes.

After another minute, Amelia murmured, "That'd be really cool."

Together Amelia and I stared up at the stars curiously. Space is pretty, ya know?

A loud crash came from the alleyway on the other side of my apartment building and I jumped. "What the hell..." I murmured.

Amelia gripped my arm as I inched closer the the edge. "No, no, no, this isn't safe!" Amelia worried, but I was determined to protect Amelia and find this potential danger.

Looking over the edge, I saw a bunch of robots identical to the one I have on my arm. They were trying to collect what looked like multiple containers full of teal liquid on my arm.

I spun around and gripped my friend's shoulders.

"I think we're going to meet our soulmates very very soon." I said seriously. Amelia's usually care-free demeanor flipped completely as she started panicking.

"W-What!?" She shouted.

Alarmed, I turned to look back over the edge in search of the potentially-dangerous robots only to not see them there.

"What- OW!" I shouted, a pain at the back of my head making me suddenly black out.

.   .   .

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