What A World - Raphael x Abused! Reader

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A/n: Im sorry I havent updated in a bit. I have been busy and I am, sort of, in writers block. I'm getting back on track, but I am super lazy... :P


*Two Months Ago*

Reader's POV

You sat on your bed, holding your knees close to your chest as you sobbed. You tried your hardest to cover your ears and ignore your father and stepmother's yelling.

This reminded you too much of when your mother and father were still married.

You sobbed harder when the memories came to mind.


Five-year-old you sat on your bed, cuddling your favourite stuffed animal as you sobbed softly.

Your mom and dad were yelling again. Your parents were always yelling. They hated each other.

You suddenly heard the front door of your apartment slam shut.

You heard your father cursing at himself loudly.

You muffled your sobs by stuffing your face into Mr. Stuffy's fur.

*End of Flashback!*

After your mother and father got divorced, your father met a lovely woman named Darla. Darla was going to be your stepmother. She was sweet, but she didn't know what her and her daughter were getting themselves into.

This was around the time when your father started getting physical. He started throwing things at you three, and punching you also.

Soon after that he started drinking a lot.

When you were eleven, that's when he first touched you... sexually.

You hated it. You hated every second of it, but you couldn't stop him. He was so much stronger that you anyway.

You glanced at your arms and legs, scaning over all the marks and scars he has ever left.

Tears blurred your vision. You hated this. You hated this so much. Why did he start doing this? What did you ever do? You had no clue.

You sniffled softly as you glanced at your phone.

'I could call Raph... He would save me...' You thought.

So, you scooped up your phone. You unlocked your phone and dialed his number shakily.



Ringgg -- CLICK!

"Hello?" Raph said through the phone. You smiled to yourself and sniffled.

"H-Hey Raphie..." You murmured.

"Y/n? Are you okay? Why are you crying? Who the hell is yelling?!" Raph said, his tone very concerned.

"U-Uh... *sniffle* It's m-my da-dad... I n-need you to come p-pick me up..." You sobbed.

"What? Why? Is it not safe there?" He asked.

"N-No... It's never been safe h-here. I'm s-scared he's gonna hurt me..." You cried quietly.

"Okay Y/n, go pack your stuff. Your staying with me."  Raph declaired.

"O-Okay..." You mumbled.

Raph hung up, and so did you.

You got of your bed and locked your door while shoving your desk in front of your bedroom door.

You turned to your closet and grabbed your duffle bag and a large book bag.

You dropped the bags onto your bed and shoved most of your clothes and all your toiletries into your duffle bag.

You grabbed some of your favourite books and some of your notebooks into the book bag.

You looked to your bookshelf and grabbed Mr. Stuffy. Sure, he was old, but he helped with your nerves and he held many memories.

You jumped when your father started banging on your door. "You little bitch! Open this door! NOW!" He demanded.

You hiccupped and wipped your tears away from your face.

You walked to your window, pulling it open right before Raph knocked on it.

Raph pulled you into a hug as your father continued to scream curses at you while banging on the door.

"Let's go before he breaks down the door." Raph mumbled. You nodded in agreement.

Raph picked up your duffle bag while you pulled your backpack onto your back.

You let Raph carry you on his back, (Well, Shell) as he hopped from roof top to roof top, heading to the sewers.


It has officially been two months since you started living with the Turtles.

You sat on the couch, a Coke~A~Cola in hand as you watched Mikey play mortal combat against Raph.

This was your new family. You would live with your boyfriend, Raph, and his brothers and sensei for a while, maybe forever. You wouldn't mind.

"Guys, I got pizza!" You heard April yell as she came into the lair.

"Awesome, dudette! I've been wanting a pizza all day!" Mikey yelled.

April came into the living room, Casey at her side, and placed the pizza on the coffee table as Donnie and Leo walked in the room.

Everyone grabbed a slice as we all sat down around the TV, watching Raph and Mikey fight each other.

We all made jokes at each other and we laughed together.

You loved spending time with the Turtles and Master Splinter. You loved spending time with April and Casey too. This really was your new family, and you were perfectly content with that.


A/n: Remember! Author~Chan loves all her readers! Love you, Darlings~!

—Author~Chan, Smartie—

860 Words

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