I Don't Want To Leave! - Leo × Child! Reader

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Reader's POV

I stumbled across the sidewalk.

A sob escaped my lips and I harshly rubbed my cheekbones.

The rain poured down on me, and thunder cracked loudly above me.

I cried out in fear of the thunder and went running for the alleyway across the street.

I checked for cars, of course.

I fell to the ground and crawled to the red brick wall of the apartment complex.

Sobs racked through my small, frail body and I wailed and wailed.

"I WANT MY MOMMY BACK!!" I screamed.

I collapsed to the ground in a sobbing heap and knocked myself out in the heavy rain.

Third Person Narrative

The small child cried and cried, wailing noisily.

The child's mother had passed in a car accident earlier in the year with her older sister.

After the passing of her mother, the young daughter's father had become distant and emotionally absent.

It was hard enough: having her older brother commit suicide a year ago and then her brothers' twin getting kidnapped and murdered shortly after.

It was too much.

Speaking of too much, her father had come home with some random woman and had yelled at Y/n to get out of the apartment/flat.

That leads to her sobbing in this small alley next to this manhole.

The turtles were hopping across rooftops back to the manhole they usually take home, when Donnie noticed the small girl knocked out in the same alley as the manhole they use.

"Guys?" Donnie muttered.

Leo looked down and around, scoping out the area carefully.

Leo had spotted the girl and was immediately alarmed.

How did she get here? Why was she here? Was she okay?

Many questions surged through Leo's mind, but the first thing his mind screamed was to go to the child's aid.

The turtles hopped down into the alleyway.

Mikey was hovering around, Raph stood off to the side whilst keeping watch, Leo inspected the child with Donnie beside him.

"Awww! She's so small!" Mikey said in awe.

Donnie blurted out, "She's probably around seven or eight, and she's really small for her age. She'll get hypothermia if she stays out here much longer, that is if she doesn't already have it,"

Leo nodded and looked around at the alleyway and his brothers.

Thinking over all of his Sensei's possible reactions, Leo picked up the child bridal style.

"Carefull, Leo! She's fragile," Donnie slightly shouted in concern.

The girl mumbled and leaned into Leo tiredly.

"Shhh, Donnie... I got her," Leo stated.

They all headed for the lair quietly, as to not piss off Leo or wake up the cute little munchkin who kept sneezing in her sleep.

.   .   .

Several weeks later, three weeks to be exact, had passed.

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