I'm Glad You're Not Gone - Leo × Depressed! Reader

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I'm Glad You're Not Gone - Leo × Reader

No one requested this, I just wanted to write this. I kinda forced myself to watch meme compilations and read oneshots of the Turtles so I would get back into the fandom, and behold, if worked lol

[EDIT] I forgot to put a warning! Self-harming, cursing, and blood? I guess?

Enjoy! :)


Y/n's POV

I had just got home from school, dropping my bag onto the floor beside my dresser. So many thoughts swirled around in my head like a whirlpool.

Do it. I dare you.

My dull e/c eyes glanced over to my closet. I went over and opened it. I picked up the box I had locked away so long ago. I grabbed the key that was on my nightstand, unlocking the box. My fingers absentmindedly traced over the sharp edge of the dagger.

In a trance of heartbreak and pain, I went to my bedroom window, slidding it open and climbing up the fire escape to the roof.

I went to the edge. Sitting there, I let my legs swing back and forth slowly as I flipped the dagger in my hands.

No matter how many times I flipped it over in my hands blankly, the dark voice in the back of my head continued to whisper.

Do it. Do it. Do it.

Thoughts of Leo ran through my mind and a small ghost of a smile pulled at the corners of my lips. We used to be such good friends. I was getting somewhere with him. He could have actually liked me then.

But she took him away.

The faint smile disappeared. I clutched the handle of the dagger tightly. I remember when Leo had asked April to get this dagger for me. Again, it was only a happy memory.

My blank stare shifted to my arms, covered in faded slashes that I had inflicted upon myself so many years ago in middle school. Back then I didn't think I'd see the day that I would be graduating.

I placed the dagger beside me and traced over the scars on my arms. Some from me being clumsy, some from animals, and the rest being from myself. Flashbacks and memories flooded my mind like a tsunami.

Flashes of me being bullied.


"Loose some weight!"

"Look at that loner..."

"Whore, get out of my way!"

"Haha, virgin!"

I yelped as I was shoved into the locker.

"Hey! Let me out!" I shouted. The three girls outside of the locker laughed and I heard the lock click.

"Not a chance, bitch. This'll teach you not to mess with Jake!"

Of me having panic attacks.

"N-No, I'm fine right? I'm okay?" I murmured to myself, my hands burying into my hair in an attempt to calm myself.

My throat closed tightly and I gasped for air, panicking. My hands, along with my body, shook vividly. I covered my mouth with my hands as tears dripped down my face.

I rocked back and forth on my bedroom floor, falling asleep leaning against my bed.

Of me listening to my parents argue.

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