"Casey Fucking Jones!" - Raph × Cop! Reader

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No one requested this but I got this idea watching the 2014 TMNT movie a few weeks ago lol


Y/n's POV

"Bye Y/n! See you on monday!" One of my cop friends yelled from inside the police station.

"Bye, see you soon Amy!" I called back whilst waving.

I walked calmly down the sidewalk with my jacket thrown over my shoulder. Nothing was happening around me, so I zoned out of the world and went into my mind.

My mind wondered to my brother. Lately he's been so... suspicious? He doesn't talk to me as much and he goes out a lot more without telling me or my dad where.

I stopped in my tracks when the alleyway I just walked past had a sudden noise in it. I peeked back around the corner into the alleyway.

The manhole cover was moved and someone was going down?

I noticed it was my little brother, Casey, and immediately I was alarmed.

I waited for him to go down and move the cover back into place. I inched into the alleyway, waiting another minute before following Casey down.

I hurriedly followed after Casey quietly.

Why would he even need to come down here? What was he doing? Was this a short cut home? Was...

Was he doing drugs?

I started freaking out internally and my eyebrows furrowed worriedly.

I watched Casey turn a corner into an open area and then heard voices.

"Hey Casey! Want some pizza?" Someone offered.

"Hell yeah!" Casey replied.

I took a steady breath as I calmed myself. I need to bust this situation. If he was doing drugs or just meeting with friends, it didn't matter. I am going to clear this up.

"Casey Jones!" I hollered, turning the corner.

I was stunned.

In front of my very eyes were four humanoid turtles with bandannas. April, a girl my brother had made friends with, and Casey both had terrified looks.

"Y/n!! I uh.. I can explain..?"

.   .   .

That was a year and a half ago. Now I live with the fact my brother is best friends with a mutant turtle who eventually became my boyfriend.

Back when I first met the turtles they thought I was going to report them.

I promised them as long as they aren't doing drugs I honestly don't care.

But, long story short, I thought my brother was doing drugs and that's how I met my current boyfriend and his family.


Sorry that this is short but I've been trying to get back into posting. Life has been rough for me since school hit the 2nd nine weeks mark.

I'll sould be posting on the weekends from now on and maybe (big maybe) during the week if I have time.

Love you all so much, thank you for being here.

ɧศг℘εг 🥀

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