Sent From Above - Poly! TMNT × Poly! Reader

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Requested by; Totally_Weird

Idk what you expected, but I'll do my best hehe

I didn't know if you wanted just the turtles or if you wanted Casey and April or whatever, but I did just the turtles.

The practice of engaging in multiple sexual relationships with the consent of all people involved.

Y/n's POV

I yawned and tiredly opened my e/c eyes.

I felt strong arms wrapped around my waist and looked over my shoulder at my one of four turtle boyfriends.

Raph was wake, but looking at me admiringly with loving neon green eyes.

"Mornin' Princess.." Raph said with a grin. Raph kissed my nose and I said, "Good morning Raphie."

I wiggled out of Raphaels arms and bounced over to my duffle bag that sat on the floor near the door.

I looked over at Raph who was admiring me in my underwear and a really loose tee-shirt.

"I'm gonna take a shower, then I'll make breakfast. Are you joining me?" I asked with a wink.

Raph jumped up and shouted, "Hell yeah!"

I giggled softly and we both headed for the shower.

.   .   .

Thirty minutes later, I headed out of bathroom with Raphael behind me.

I had thrown on a loose f/c tee-shirt and comfy black leggings.

I threw my h/l h/c hair into a ponytail swiftly and headed for the kitchen.

It was only seven twenty-one, but I wanted to treat my boyfriends and their father to breakfast like I usually do.

As I was cooking pancakes, bacon, and eggs, I felt another pair of arms wrap around my waist and I grinned happily.

I reached my hand behind my head and my hand made contact with the side of Leo's face.

Leo smiled at me and I placed a kiss on his left cheek.

"Hey Sugar Cube," Leo hummed.

"Good morning My Brave Hero." I giggled as the bacon sizzled on the frying pan in front of me.

"Did you meditate this morning?" I asked, looking up at Leo.

Leo looked down at me with pure happiness in his sapphire blue eyes and nodded gently.

I pouted at him.

"You need to get more sleep, Leo." I said softly.

Leo buried his face in my neck and mumbled, "I only get good sleep when you sleep with me."

That's when Mikey happily bounced into the kitchen and smiled widely at me and Leo.

"Morning Angel!" Mikey cheered.

I laughed and Leo let go of me to head to the living room.

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