Blood Craving - Splinter × Vampire! Reader

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Requested by; Minepearl

I have a ton of request to get done now because of her^^ lmao

I asked for them, but I guess I can't complain lol

This is gonna be kinda short, soo

Y/n's POV

I licked my lips staring at him. He was just meditating, nothing special. But yet it made me so excited and hungry.

Not it a dirty way, you fools.

You see, I'm a vampire. I live off of drinking the blood out of my victims. I can choose to kill them, or I can just take a quick drink.

I haven't eaten in two and a half weeks.

I've been cooped up in the lair for that amount of time.

Because I, being my slightly clumsy self, had caught the attention of Karai when she was upset on the rooftops one night and she had sliced my arm open. And Yoshi was concerned about me, so he made me stay within his watch.

I haven't told anyone about being a vampire, and it was killing me. Correction, it IS LITERALLY KILLING ME. I heard my stomach rumble quietly and I massaged it silently.

I'm a special type of vampire, where I can drink any type of blood, but human blood soothes my cravings the most. I just have an obsession with Yoshi.

His scent is so strong and it's calming. Just by his scent at first I was gonna bite him, but I didn't. His sons had brought me back because I was injured. I sighed with admiration as I watched him longer.

Yoshi opened on of his eyes and looked at me, "What has been wrong with you recently, Y/n? Are you feeling okay?" I felt my face burn and I looked away in embarrassment.

"I'm fine, Yoshi." I turned my back to face him.

And my stomach rumbled loudly.

My eyes widened with horror and I looked over to Yoshi. Yoshi was already looking at me with concern.

"Are you hungry? You haven't eaten anything since you came here," Yoshi said. My face reddened even more.

"S-See there is a l-little issue there.." I mumbled, Yoshi watched me carefully as I continued, "I-I um."

"I'm a vampire."

.   .   .

Shortly after that and I explained what I can do and what I need to eat Yoshi had said, "Do you want to try mine?" Startled, my eyes widened and I looked at him like he was crazy.

"W-What? Yoshi, no!" I yelped, even though I truly wanted to say 'yes'.

.   .   .

A little convincing later, and I was sitting in Yoshi's lap as he sat on the floor.

"Are you sure..?" I mumbled unquestionably. Yoshi nodded, "Go ahead."

My cheeks were red as I leaned closer to his neck and bit into the flesh of his neck. Yoshi didn't give a reaction, just jumped a little.

I easily pulled small sips of his blood, but damn it was like I drank the blood of three humans. This blood was so tasty, a combination of human blood but also a calming sweetness to it.

After drinking a small portion of his blood, I pulled away. Yoshi watched me as I wiped my face with the sleeve of my long sleeved shirt and then licked my teeth.

"Your blood is the best I've ever had since I drank from my first human," I complemented.


This was kinda bad lol but I just feel awkward writing oneshots with Sensei as someone other than a father/mentor like figure.

I love you alllll XOXO

-Harper_Lillie *muah!* 💋

597 Words

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