Snuggles - Donnie × Tired! Snuggly! Reader

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Requested by Minepearl :p


Reader's POV

I tiredly groaned as I laid across my whole king sized bed.

I was tired. My science and math homework had rid me of almost all my energy.

But not all of it.

I missed my boyfriend, Donnie. But he was busy, I knew.

I looked at the clock.

It's seven thirty.

My mom wasn't home yet. Where was she?

Oh wait..

She's on her honeymoon.

With her husband.

I rolled my eyes and climbed off my bed.

Thank God it's Fridayyyyy!!

"Fuck.." I moaned in frustration.

It was hot in my house.

And I was tired.

And I missed my boyfriend.

The only solution to all those problems?

Go to the lair, of course!

I snatched my bookbag and dumped out all my school books.

"Might as well stay the night..." I mumbled.

I packed clothes and my toiletries into my white bookbag with f/c floral patterns.

I shoved my laptop into my bookbag along with the charger.

I shoved my phone charger into the backpack and picked up my phone with my earbuds plugged into it.

I knew the front door was already locked, so I just hopped right out my bedroom window and onto the fire escape.

I headed down the fire escape and jumped onto the ground of the alley.

I snuck into the sewers from the manhole and plugged my f/c earbuds into my ears. Immediately the song Juicy by Doja Cat came on.

I giggled softly and danced around to the song.

I skipped to the lair and made it there quickly.

I pulled out my earbuds and greeted Mikey, who was on the couch, with a wave.

I headed to Donnie's lab and whined as I walked in the doors.

"Donnieeeeeeeeeeee," I whined tiredly.

Donnie looked over his shoulder from his desk and grinned at me with his cute tooth gap.

"Hey Y/n, what are you doing here?" Donnie questioned.

I walked to him and dropped my bag beside his chair.

I fell into his lap and closed my eyes as I laid there limply.

Donnie put the screwdriver he had in his hand down and he picked me up.

"Tired?" Donnie asked. I nodded twice.

Donnie pressed a soft kiss to my temple and hugged me close.

"I love you," Donnie said with his head buried in the crook of my neck.

"I love you too, my dorky turtle," I said softly.

We just sat cuddling in his chair for hours and I eventually fell asleep to Donnie kissing my nose kindly.


Short but cute (In my opinion) :p

I've been listening to Doja Cat a lot lately, so I made a reference rq..

I hope you enjoyed


-Harper_Lillie 💋

460 Words

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