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THE next morning cleo woke up, warm and comfy. Her eyes wandered over the plain, creamy colored walls.

The girls head was beating painfully quick, but she shrugged it off.

Cleo observed the room she had slept in, not remembering much from the following night.

She wondered how she got here.

Cleo"s eyes widened, sending a horrible pain to her head.

The teen girl threw the covers off of her warm body, checking to see if she still had her clothes on.

She sighed in relief as she was dressed in everything she'd worn the night before.

The only thing cleo could remember was coming to the party, getting drunk off her ass, and beating the shit out of ingrid.

The girl stood up, looking over to the navy blue nightstand to her right.

A small pill and a cup of water sat next to a picture frame.

Cleo took the pill, mentally thanking the person who left it there. Her eyes landed on the picture frame, and she couldn't help but smile.

There sat a picture of christoffer when he was a child, hanging on to his fathers back with a large smile.

She picked up the picture frame, being extremely careful. She wondered how it felt to have a good relationship, to have an actual father figure.

She remembered when she was five, her father took her out on a father and daughter date. They went out and watched a movie, got dinner and ate ice cream.

It was the first and the last time her and her father had an actual conversation.

After that, it was almost like he despised the girl. He would glare at her and yell at her anytime she was around him.

Her mother would scold him, and then she began to do the same thing.

After a while, both of the girls parent hated her. She was young, and she hadn't known any better. She thought it was her parent way of showing her love.

Cleo set the picture frame down softly, and let her tears fall.

The teen girl never really cried, when when she wanted to. It wasn't that she was scared to let tears fall, but she physically couldn't. She tried to cry so hard, to let it out, but anytime she felt like she could, the tears never came.

So when she could, she let them fall.

Little did the girl know, a certain brunette boy leaned up against the door. He watched her cry, his heart beating rapidly. One thing about the boy, was he hated seeing women cry, after seeing his mother son herself to sleep every night, he hated it.

His breathing hitched as he listened to the broken teen sobb, just like his mother had.

He barley knew the girl, why does this hurt? He thought to himself, quietly shutting the door.

He leaned up against the outside of the door, biting his lip.

He remembered finding the teen girl lying on a park bench last night, fast asleep. In some ways, he felt as he related to the girl.

He saw how angry she could get, he wondered if it was because of how much she had bottled up? like him. He saw how broken the girl was when she looked at the picture of chris and his father, he wondered if they had similar issues.

Last night at the party, she had broke loose, and everyone looked at her like she was crazy, but chris, chris knew how she felt. Chris wasn't scared or he hadn't feared her, he only grew more interested.

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