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THE next morning cleo woke up to the same creamy white walls, and the same smooth white covers draped over her body.

The sunlight peaked through the curtains, very little light beaming through the window.

Cleo turned on her side, smiling at the sleeping boy. To say cleo thought Chris was highly attractive, was an understatement.

She parted her bangs so she could see fully, her eyes observing every crease, every feature.

His skin was so smooth, she wanted to run her hand across it. His eyebrows so sharp and full, she loved them. His nose shaped perfectly, and his lips. His lips rosy and soft. His hair so soft and messy, how she wanted to run her hands through it.

Beautiful. Cleo thought, and chris's lips twitched into a small smile.

Cleo quickly turned away, heat reaching her cheeks. The last thing she wanted was for chris to tease her about watching him in his sleep.

Just with her luck, that's exactly what he began to do.

"Watching me in my sleep?" chris teased, his eyes flickering open causing cleo's stomach to drop.

His eyes were mesmerizing, sharp yet soft. Beautiful yet intimidating. The color of them brought butterflies to cleo's stomach, whenever he looked at her she heated up. However, when she looked deep into them, she didn't see the joy he showed. She saw anything but joy, she saw something all too familiar. Pain.

She heard how broken he sounded the night before when he let all his secrets out, some he had never even told william.

Chris knew after that night, cleo would up and leave. However cleo had no intentions on leaving, only wanting to be closer with the boy.

She knew she liked the boy, but she feared of love. She feared of falling into something deeper than a highschool crush. She didn't want to get hurt, but with him it wasn't that that she feared. She was scared of hurting him.

"Cleo?" Chris asked, sitting up quickly and staring down at the girl.

Cleo was brought from her never ending thoughts, looking up at the boy softly. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she faked a smile.

She wanted to be with him so badly, she had told him everything. She had explained to him things she didn't even know what to think of herself.

He didn't judge her or tell her to stop, interrupt her. He simply listened and comforted, as did she.

"Good morning, christoffer" Cleo smiled, her eyes flickering up to his.

He just stared down at the girl, a smile on his face. Suddenly he wrapped his arms around her, laying down next to her.

She laughed slightly as he buried his head in the crook of her neck, his lips against her smooth skin.

He smiled into her neck pulling the covers over the two.

Cleo smiled, drifting back into thought.

She wasn't sure if she should continue hanging out with the boy, afraid of hurting him.

He only knew her past now, he didn't know that girl relied on drinking when she got upset. He didn't know who the girl was completely.

She worried that he would be mad when he found out about the thing she left out, for she never told one person about it, and she didn't plan to.

Cleo knew chris would ask why she didn't tell him when she could tell him everything else, but he didn't know that's what effected her the most.

She felt like a journal, someone flipping through the pages. Her secrets being revealed, revealed to someone she didn't know if she could trust completely. But it had already happened, the person couldn't unread her secrets, for they had read every little word, every part.

"I should go soon" Cleo spoke softly, regretting the words as chris lifted his head.

"Why?" Chris exclaimed.

"I mean you don't have to" Chris added, and cleo turned towards the boy with a small smile.

"I'll stay if you'd like. However i need my phone, the girls are probably freaking the hell out" Cleo exclaimed, suddenly wondering how they would feel about their friend cuddled up with the schools "biggest fuckboy".

Chris grabbed the girls phone from the navy blue nightstand, and placing it next to the girl with a smile.

"Thank you christoffer" Cleo emphasized his name, and chris nodded.

"Anytime, cleo patra" Chris spoke calmly, and cleo laughed at the boy.

The girl scrolled through her notifications on her lock screen, sighing yet smiling at the same time.

She'd never met someone who cares so much about her, not to mention a group of people.

Noora: Where are you?!?
Noora: Cleo?
Eva: ^?!?
Vilde: Are you hooking up with someone?
Sana: Are you ok?!
Chris: What if she just has a major hangover guys
Eva: Where are you cleo?
Noora: Cleooooooo
Vilde: Maybe it's william, or chris
Vilde: it's probably chris, i saw how close they were yesterday.
Eva: I highly doubt cleo is hooking up with anyone, vilde..
Cleo: ^^^^^^^^^^^ i'm fine guys.
Vilde: How was it?
Noora: cleo!!
Eva: finally
Sana: Thank god
Chris: How much did you drink?
Cleo: One, i didn't hook up with anyone. Two, i didn't drink.

Cleo laughed and set her phone next to her, turning towards chris.

"What happened?" Chris smiled at the girl who scooted closer to him.

"Vilde thought i was hooking up with someone, and chris thought i was hungover" explained cleo.

Chris only smirked and held the girl close,loving the feeling of her warm body.

The two soon drifted back to sleep, legs tangled and bodies snuggled up against each other.
Hope you guys are liking the book so far, if you've even gotten her lol.

Make sure to leave a comment or a vote, if you want lmao.

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