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My heart pounded aggressively against my chest, I could practically hear each thud.

I desperately tried to catch a decent amount of oxygen as Ingrid continued to flip through the awful photos on her expensive iPhone.

Iben watched me from the side with a satisfied smirk, Ingrid looked as if she had just been pronounced president. They were both happy to see me scared, and I was, I was terrified.

My mind is racing at a thousand miles per hour, too fast to process what exactly is going on. Oh my god.

"H-how did you get these?," I stuttered, looking back and forth between the two of them in confusion.

God, I was so confused, so shocked and scared.

The two girls glanced at each other before falling into a fit of laughter, Iben shaking her head at me as if I was stupid. I felt stupid.

"No, you don't get to ask questions, junkie. You embarrassed me in front of everyone that night, in front of the penetrators! We couldn't go to any of their parties for an entire month. You could've ruined the Pepsi-max girls social status all because I called you and your bitchy friends sluts. And guess what, you are one, these photos prove it. So here's what you're gonna do if you don't want these photos leaked. You're gonna break up with Chris and you're gonna leave him and Iben to be, got it? You're also gonna leave your buss, you're gonna stop talking to all of your friends. If not, I post these photos all over social media," Ingrid hissed at me, eyes deadly serious.

To say I was exasperated is an understatement. There was no way i would do anything she just told me I was going to do.

All I know right now, is that I needed Chris. I needed to tell him what happened, and I certainly need to get away from these two girls before I do something horrible.

My body is shaking uncontrollably, mostly from rage but partly from fear. I wasn't sure how I was going to explain this to Chris without him taking me the wrong way. I don't even remember doing those things, and the worst part, is that someone had taken pictures of me doing them.

I felt my eyes water but I refused to cry in front of Ingrid and Iben.

"Okay. Deal," I mumbled, clenching my jaw tightly. I stared Ingrid directly in the eyes, a warning look inside my own pair.

She should know better. How she got these photos, I have no idea. But when I find out, I'll be praying to god that I have the control to deal with them correctly.

"If you're still with Chris tomorrow morning, I'll be leaking your photos. If I see you talking to any of the girls on your buss, I'll be leaking your photos. Do you understand me?," Ingrid whispered, inches away from my face.

I pursed my lips, it was taking everything in me not to snap on her like I had two months ago at that party.

"I got it," i spoke through gritted teeth, noticing that Ingrid took a small step backwards.

She smirked and nodded her head. "You better," she stated, trying to sound tough. She failed, miserably.

Iben sent a glare my way before the two girls turned on their heels and began walking down the now empty halls.

Once I knew they where gone, I bit my tongue harshly and banged my head against the lockers. Why did this type of shit have to happen to me?!

I wasn't even sure what to feel at the moment.


I dialed Chris's phone number quickly and raised the device to my ear, watching my the white laces to my vans bounce with every step I take.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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