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THE next day cleo lied on her bed, her mouth hung open and her eyes shut. She was beyond tired, and beyond overwhelmed.

To say she was overwhelmed even in her sleep, was easily stating how upset the girl was.

Her breathing was low and breathy as her eyes shot open wide due to the shocking spurt of pain that shot through her head.

"Owe godamnit" cleo whispered, her hand placed softly against her black hair, gripping her head.

Her eyes only widened more, pain shooting through her head as she did so. Her apartment was trashed, chip bags, beer bottles, a completely empty bottle of vodka scattered all over her floor.

The smell of weed was strong throughout her apartment, and cleo wondered how the hell that happened.

Cleo did not remember one thing from the night before, and the pain in her head only grew worse as she pushed herself to remember anything.

Not to mention, her breath smelled appalling to a new extent. It smelled of smoke and alcohol, not to add on morning breath.

Her eyes were crusty and her hair was tangled like a mad woman who hadn't taken a shower in years.

"What the fucking hell" cleo once again whispered, afraid of causing more pain for herself. She was sure her headache was deadly.

As cleo slowly stood up, she looked as if she were a toddler taking her first steps, more like her first crawl.

With that, cleo wobbled over to her bathroom, and her eyes shot out of her skull as she took in the sight.

There sat a whole trash bag of weed, and one empty and one half empty boxes of beer.

"What the fuck!" cleo shot her hands up, staring down at the sight as if it were a dead body lying in the corner of her apartment.

Pain instantly pulsated through her body and she winced in pain, her arms placed against her head.

Cleo sighed and walked into her dark bathroom, flipping the light on she jumped as she looked in the mirror.

"God what the actual fucking hell is happing?!" cleo whispered, shaking her head. She felt mad and confused, she was so concerned yet a part of her found it funny. But it wasn't funny, cleo was having a small mental breakdown, only hangover mode had been switched on.

Cleo bawled her fist, angrily sighing for a few moments. The alarming sound of her phone ringing frightened cleo causing her to jump out of her skin. Her apartment was so quite so she had not seen that one coming.

Cleo rushed to her phone, pulling her pants up on the way.

"Hello?" cleo held the phone to her right ear, her eyes focused on the bag of weed and the large box of wraps and filters next to it.

"Cleo?! where have you been?" vildes worried voice filled cleo's ear.

"What do you mean where have i been?" cleo was suddenly confused why the blonde sounded so concerned.

"Cleo you've been gone for two days! you haven't answered any of our texts or calls or even your door. Noora said she stopped by and you wouldn't answer the door?! we've been worried about you, you know? you've missed two days of school and noora was the only one that has seen you in the past three days!" vilde explained and cleo's hand was flat against her forehead, eyes the size of golf balls.

Cleo felt horrible for her friends, and she was highly perplexed. How had i managed to sleep two whole days?!?

"I am so so sorry, i had no idea how long i slept, shit i didn't even know i could sleep a whole eight hours" cleo let out a exasperated laugh, sighing.

"Cleo, what even happened? are you ok? noora said you were with penetrator chris?" cleo could just see the smirk on vildes face, and cleo's eyes softened at his name.

God how i miss you. Cleo thought about the boy, and the simple memory of what she'd seen three days ago caused her to swallow the lump that formed in her throat.

"Cleo?" vilde asked from the other line, worried.

Cleo stayed silent, picturing the boy in her mind laughing with his friends. She wondered if he even cared about her, or had he asked about her just once.

"You know chris has been worried about you? i find it quite cute, because he hasn't been himself the past couple days. I haven't seen him laugh once, well besides the time a boy fell in the hallway" vilde continued to babble, asking if i'd slept with christoffer or spent the night, cleo bit down on her bottom lip. The pain she felt just 3 days ago resurfacing.

"But really you guys are so cute together i can't wait till you guys are actually together together, you know? like i see the way you look at him and the way he asks about you 24/7" vilde continues to ramble on and cleo's eyes pooled with tears. She felt as if she were suffocating, she was praying that vilde would stop.

Please stop. Please. Please. Please. Cleo let the tears fall from her eyes and clinched her fists, sliding down the wall she continued to think of how happy the two could have been. She wondered if he even liked her the way she liked him, and it hurt her inside to think of him and iben.

"Cleo? are you ok?" vilde stopped her rants, hearing the heavy breathing of her friend.

"Yeah i'm good, are you?" cleo wiped her eyes and quietly sniffled.

"Yeah i'm ok, hey i'll talk to you later bye" vilde hung up the phone and cleo stared at it blankly.

She scolded herself and questioned why she was so hurt when she wasn't even dating the boy. She let herself fall and she'd always had attachment issues, that's why she never did relationships but here she is.

Her hand reached up for the wraps and filters, and pulled the illegal substance closer to her. She placed quite a bit of weed onto the wrap and did the rest, then licking across the slip she swiped her thumb across it.

With her other hand she reached for the lighter, and in a second she was inhaling the smoke, letting it settle in her lungs before exhaling slowly. One tear slid down her face, and she let it be.

Leave a comment if i should continue this story. I'm not sure lol so i need your guys advice.

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