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CLEO had smoked up all of the weed that sat in the corner of her apartment over the past 2 days. She would come home and get high, she loved the feeling of it.

School slowly became one of her least responsibilities, her friends became more and more worried as days went by.

Cleo was confused, her friends were confused, chris was confused and even william was confused.

The two boys had grown close with the girls, for chris and cleo and noora and william. The whole group was worried, chris and william sat chatting for hours about what they thought was happening.

"Are you sure she didn't find out, chris?" william questioned the boy, leaning up against his car.

"I mean she could have, there was a knock on my door and iben answered it" chris replied, shaking his leg and nibbling on his nails nervously.

"Are you dumb? that had to be her chris" william stated, his hands out in the air.

Chris only sighed, palming his forehead.

"You need to go get her and explain or else she'll only get more angry with you" william explained, and chris looked up at him confused.

"She's already mad at me though, i guarantee you that she is!" chris exclaimed, and william stared at him blankly.

"Well no fucking shit twat, that's why you need to go fix that, like now" william shook his head at the brunette boy.

"Okay okay i'm going" chris nodded and took off towards cleo's apartment building. As much as the boy wanted to deny it, the feelings he had for her wouldn't allow him.

Of course his feelings weren't as strong as the ones cleo felt for him, but they grew by each day. The boy was slowly falling in love with her and he hated it, yet he loved it. It was a bittersweet feeling.

However, cleo has changed over the past week. She wasn't sure how she changed so drastically in such little timing.

She told herself she wasn't heartbroken, but what she didn't realize was she was already to deep in love with the boy that the reason she hurt so much was because the boy she loved slept with another girl.

Three loud knocks were placed on cleo's door and she jumped at the sudden sound.

She swung the door opened and her eyes filled with rage, rage and sadness. But one thing about cleo, was she rarely let her sadness show so chris got the angry side of her.

"What the fuck? why are you at my apartment?" cleo snapped, wondering how the boy could just show up with a smile.

"Why are you mad at me?" chris asked, leaning against the door frame with a blank stare.

Cleo only laughed, taking a hand through her hair. She had realized how dramatic she sounded, but she couldn't help herself.

"Cleo, i didn't do shit. I don't know why your so mad. You've been skipping school and jesus you smell like pot" chris stated, shaking his head in disgust which only made cleo angrier.

"Go, just go" cleo exclaimed, getting ready to slam her door.

"We aren't even dating! you have no right to act like this just because i fucked my girlfriend and you have jealousy issues" chris yelled, and cleo felt like someone had ripped out her heart and she watched them throw it in the trash as she died.

"Yeah you're  right chris, you're one hundred percent correct. However, i have some more weed to smoke, toodaloo" cleo scoffed, faking a wide eyed smile before slamming the door.

Chris however, put his foot out to stop it, in which cleo was sure he had broken his pinky toe at the force she had slammed the door with.

"Aren't you gonna apologize?" chris asked in a duh tone, and cleo laughed solemnly.

"I don't make people believe things that aren't true" cleo once again, slammed the door shut and he didn't stop her. She heard a loud scoff and she laughed, and then she cried, and then she laughed some more.

What an asshole. Am i going to apologize?!? are you fucking kidding me.

Cleo took her phone from her back pocket and called someone she grew very familiar with.

The phone rang against her ear and she impatiently tapped her fingers against the front door.

"Hello? cleo asked.

"Ayeee cleo, how have you been?" the voice from the phone yelled, and cleo smiled.

"Can you come over? with anything that'll take my mind off things?" cleo asking, hesitantly. Cleo wasn't just upset about chris, but everything.

She had never experienced anything like what she had been for the last week and she grew addicted to the feeling of being high.

Cleo had always wanted to take her mind off things but she could never do anything, but no she had not one care in the world.

"Hell yeah! what do you want weed? acid? xanax? oh oh wait, or maybe something stronger" cleo could hear the smirk on her friend cornell's face.

"Bring it all, fuck it" cleo laughed, brushing off the guilt that slowly made its way up her goosebump covered arms.

"Alrighty, see you soon, cleo" cornell said from the other line, and cleo smiled once more. Her and cornell went way back, and she had always loved the boy like family.

"Bye, cornell" cleo laughed, and hung up the phone.

She walked over to her desk and picked at the picture of her brother with empty eyes.

"I'm sorry, i'm so sorry that i'm doing this. I know your probably upset, and your probably up there looking at me like i'm a fuck up. But what can i say? i guess i have turned into a hopeless fuck up" cleo sighed, placing the photo of her younger brother back on the desk.

"I'm sorry" cleo whispered, shaking her head.

Soon enough, loud knocks were placed on her door and she jumped to her feet. Once she unlocked the door, cornell and his friends burst into her apartment with laughs.

Cornell dropped his bag on the counter and pulled out a bag full of prerolled blunts, then a smaller bag that was filled with white powder. Cleo's stomach dropped, but instead of screaming in worry, she smiled.

"You ready?" cornell smirked at her, and cleo nodded her head yes with a fake smile.

What are you doing to yourself? cleo asked herself, stepping closer to the boys.

Cleo :(

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