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(IM SORRY ABOUT THE POINT OF VIEW CHANGE, i didn't even realize that i changed it until i went and looked at chapter 21)

It was currently monday and i was anywhere but school. Chris and i decided to spend the day together watching movies and talking to each other about everything.

"If you were able to read anyone's mind right now, who's would it be? besides mine" chris asked with a grin on his face, god that face was so beautiful.

"Why in the hell would i want to read your mind?" i laughed at him as his face went blank. Then he smirked at me.

"Because you would get to hear all of the fantasies i have about you" he replied suggestively.

My face now went blank, and then i smirked.

"And that's exactly why you only experience those things in your head, because you'll never get any outside of it" i joked, even though the complete opposite thought was swarming my brain.

"i'm calling the bully hotline, asshole" he stated making me laugh.

He stopped and stared at me while i laughed at him, a ghost smile played on his lips. His eyes watched me with amusement, and they flashed brightly at me. Before him, i never knew it was even physically possible to look at good as he did.

"Seriously though? who would it be?" he ran a hand through my hair, sending shivers down my arms and legs.

That's what he did to me every time he even ran a finger down my arm or held my hand, played with my hair and especially when his lips met mine so passionately.

My mind immediately went to my little brother, but i haven't told chris about him yet and i planned to wait a little while.

Next, my mind went to the man that left me with so much pain and sorrow.

"You remember how i told you about the guy, the g-guy that r-raped me" i asked quickly, hating the words that came out of my mouth. I could barely get the words out without my heart swelling and feeling the bile that i had to hold back.

His eyes suddenly swarmed with anger and sympathy, making me regret my choice of words.

He nodded solemnly and looked at me, as crazy as it sounds he helped calm the anger that rised up at the memory.

"If i could read anyone's mind, it would be him. I wonder every day if he regrets what he did, if he feels the guilt. I wonder if he even remembers what he did, that he left a fifteen your old girl in an alley way, crying her eyes out. I wonder if he suffers with it like i do, or if he even cares at all" i half whispered, every time i thought about him, what he did, it was like a knife ramming straight into my chest over and over again.

He pulled me closer to him, making me feel safe. He, he was my safe place. The feelings died down slightly as he softly ran his thumb back and forth across my hairline.

"If i could, i'd find him and make him pay for the things he did to you in a heartbeat. Cleo, you don't understand how angry i am with him, i would make his life hell with a snap of a fingers if i found him. You never deserved any of that, you still don't and you never should have to go through anymore pain. As long as i'm around, ill make sure that all you feel is happiness, that you wake up everyday with a smile. That you have the best life possible, i love you" he spoke gently, calming me completely. God, i love him.

I never thought that i would have someone who could calm me down with their words, or with a single glance into my eyes. But chris, he sure as hell made that happen.

"I love you, like i actually love you. It's not just the butterflies i get by the single thought of you. It's everything all at once, but in a good way. You make me feel things i've never felt before, things i was scared of feeling. But then you came and made every one of my fears fade away like they were never there. When i say i love you, remember that because i mean it with all the truth in the world" i wasn't even thinking about what i said, because i meant it. It came straight from a place i thought i had nothing left in.

"You make everything better, i'll have one of my worst days and i think of you and i'm smiling like an idiot. I'm so happy that we met each other, because if i didn't get to know you at some point of time, i'd still be that same girl who goes home and drowns in her own sorrow and pain and drinks alcohol to numb it. I haven't drank in a while now, because i don't need it. I have you, and your so much better than any alcohol out there, than any drug out there." i continued, even these words were shocking me. But i didn't question it, because it was only the truth i was speaking.

When i locked eyes with him, i saw how much emotion were swirling around in them. I saw the love, and i saw so much of it. Something i've always wanted. I saw the passion, something i didn't know was real until him. I saw the affection, something i craved when it came to him, something i would forever give to him.

He slowly leaned down and place a tender kiss on my lips, it was one of the best we've had. All of his kisses are filled with love, and i loved it.

I ran my thumb over his jawline softly, earning a soft groan from him. I ran my hand up to his hair and ran my fingers through them gently.

He pulled away and gave me a toothy grin, leaning down he gave me a long lasting peck before snuggling into my side.

Christopher schistad, you will be the death of me.

(Once again, sorry about the pov change, but i think i'm going to change to this way because it makes more since and i feel more comfortable writing this way. Comment and vote!:) thank you guys for reading!! 🧡🧡

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