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FRIDAY had come quicker than the girls expected, and they were all excited for what tonight would bring them. Whether it was a fight, a hot boy, getting shitfaced or simply hanging out with each other, they were all ready.

Cleo and sana filled the plastic bowls with different snacks, noora and vilde set up colored lights and the large speakers eva happened to have, meanwhile eva and chris placed bottle after bottle of alcohol on the counter.

The girls had gone all out, ordering every drink you could think of, making tons of food and decorating eva's house with lights.

They had spent the whole day cleaning, setting up, ordering different things and hiding important objects in the basement.

"I can't wait!" vilde squealed loudly from the other room, causing cleo and sana to chuckle.

"Are you gonna drink tonight?" sana asked, dumping a bag of chips into the large bowl.

"Hell fuckin-yeah, have you seen how much alcohol there is in there?! what about you?" cleo laughed, staring at the girl with wide eyes.

"Probably, depends on how i'm feeling when the party starts" sana replied, a small smile playing on her lips.

Cleo laughed at the girl, thinking about her constant mood changes.

Once the two had finished filling the bowls with snacks, they made their way for the kitchen. And what they found was not a surprise, a already drunk chris and eva.

Cleo laughed, and sana shook her head.

However, cleo soon stopped laughing when her eyes scanned over the kitchen counters, key word, counters. The island counter was not the only one filled with alcohol anymore, but every counter was loaded with bottles of different kinds of alcohol.

"Holy shit" cleo whispered, before bursting out laughing and grabbing a random bottle of alcohol and taking a sip.

"How much did this cost?" sana asked, dumbfounded.

"Do you really think we need this much alcohol?" Sana added, placing a hand against her forehead.

"It only cost us about $250, eva knows someone and they went absolutely crazy with the alcohol, but who gives a shit?! let's all get shitfaced!" chris laughed, grabbing a bottle herself.

Cleo laughed, as well as sana.

After a while of pre-party drinking, chatting and laughing, people began to fill eva's large living room, kitchen, and backyard.

Music blasted through the speakers, giving off good vibes for every person in the house.

Cleo smiled largely when she saw chris enter the front door with william and a couple other penetrator boys.

Chris made his way over to cleo, who's stood with noora and sana near the kitchen counters.

"Hey, cleo" chris engulfed her in a hug, not a normal hug but a hug cleo learned to love with passion. It wasn't a side hug, or an obligated hug, it was a full body hug that felt real.

"Hey, chris" cleo grinned ear to ear, his voice replaying over and over agin in her mind.

Chris stepped away, taking a look at the kitchen all together.

"Alcohol much?" chris laughed, running a hand through his growing brunette locks.

"Eva knows someone" cleo chuckled, grabbing another bottle of something she hadn't taken the moment to look at.

With a small smile, she took a sip of the alcohol that sent a satisfying burn down her throat.

Cleo caught william goggling at noora and laughed, shaking her head at his dumbfounded expression. However, cleo didn't blame him for his wide eyed expression, for her friend looked absolutely stunning.

Taking another large gulp of the alcoholic beverage, chris grabbed cleo's hand and dragged her towards the "dance floor".

Cleo laughed, gripping on tightly to his hands as they fought through the crowd.

Once they were in the middle, the two looked at each other with wide smiles before laughing together.

"You, cleo, are the most beautiful person i have ever laid my eyes on" chris spoke softly, sending a shiver down cleo's spine. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he smiled an adorable smile, that caused cleo's stomach to fill with butterflies.

Cleo's mind was screaming at her to just pull him closer and hug him like there was no tomorrow, to kiss him like she wanted to so badly. She was scared, she still was even after the last couple of months, it seemed as if she only got more scared, but she felt the opposite at the same time.

Chris felt the same way, but now he was careless. He didn't care about getting hurt anymore, because he was willing to go through anything just to have her as his own, to be able to hear her voice every day, to be able to hold her and comfort her, support her and make her happy. Be there for her when she was alone and never let her down, he was willing to go through any amount of pain just for her.

It was loud and clear, the two were in love with each other. Time had passed, and passed, and passed and here they were, together.

Cleo couldn't get the words out of her mouth, she felt stuck, but in a good way. Her whole body was was on fire with feelings she'd never once felt before in her whole existence, she didn't care if this was something out of a cliche movie, she'd never been in this situation and now that she has, she loved it.

"I- i love you chris, i have for so long, i tried my hardest for a while, and then i quit because it was driving me fucking insane" cleo half whispered, her hand running up his arm that was now covered in goosebumps, before slowly dragging her finger tips across his neck and into his soft hair.

Chris leaned his head down, capturing cleo's lips with his own. Like their last kiss, it was passionate and slow, their lips moving together so perfectly.

Something cleo would always love would be how soft his lips were, how gentle and kind he really could be. How gentle and kind he was.

"I love you too" chris whispered, a large grin growing on his face.

This could possibly be the last chapter, i'm not sure yet. I wanted to kind of show how much feelings the two have for each other in this chapter, hope you like it. Vote and comment!:)

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