Leaving for Deployment

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   My mom came in and woke us up at 2:00 am because the plane that takes us to the other airport where it deploys us to our first tour is leaving at 4 am so we had to get on the road fast. In no time everyone was packed and ready to go and now we are finally in the car. We had to get an airport breakfast because we had no time for it at home. It took us literally and hour and a half later to get there so right now its 3:30. we unpacked the car and all went inside the airport. The airport was not as packed since we were there early. The boys and I got our tickets and loaded our bags onto the place where it takes the bags into the plane. 

Now it was the hard part, saying goodbye to my family. I went to my dad first and he pulled me in a hug that I will definitely miss. While saying goodbye nearby people would stop and stare. we all ignored them and my dad told "Son good luck!! I love you so much and I am very proud of you but please make it back to us" he kissed me on the cheek and I said "Dad I love you too and I will miss you so much and I will try my hardest to get back but if I don't ...don't think I died in vain, I died for everyone and our country" he smiled at me with a few tears falling on his face. My mom then grabbed me and kissed me everywhere which made me laugh and she said: "You will make it home and when you do we will have your favorite meal got it?" I said, "Yes ma'am." She smiled and hugged me again and told me to be safe and that she loves me. Kevin and Matt did the same thing. I looked at the time and I had to go because it was almost 4 so we are in a rush. I said, "Bye guys I will see you soon!" Everyone said at the same time "BYE  DRAKE WE WILL MISS YOU!!! AND WE LOVE YOU!!" I smiled and waved and got my stuff and I and my friends left

    We are now sitting and waiting to be allowed to get on board and while we were waiting for some people sitting a few seats down were starring at us. I said to meat "Hey man some people are staring at us." Meat looked at them and said, "Yea I wonder why."  Then out of nowhere Jack stands up and goes and sits next to them. He begins talking to them. A few moments later he came back and he said: "they were just looking at us because their son is deployed at this very second and seeing us reminded them about their son." I said, "Is he a marine?" Jack said, "No sadly he is in the army haha." We laughed, but I got up and walked to them and said: "Hello just want to say to your son thank you for his service to our country." The woman had tears in her eyes and stood up and hugged me which I returned. The dad got up and shook my hand, not firmly but friendly way. He said, "Thank you for serving I appreciate what you guys do over there keeping our country safe and helping the countries that need help." I smiled and nodded and said my byes and they did too. I sat back down and no one said a thing until we were called abroad. 

     Unfortunately, we didn't have the same seats so we had to sit next to random people. I sat next to a man and a woman. I sat near the aisle and sitting on the other side of me was a boy. He was starring at me and when I looked at him he gave me this huge smile. He said, "My name is Coby what's yours?" I said, "my name is Drake." I didn't realize that his brother was next to him and was making sure I was no threat. Coby said, "What are you?" I said, "I'm a marine." His smile grew bigger and he said: "My brover is a navy sheal." I smiled at that and said, "That's awesome." He continued and said, "He is right next to me." I looked at the guy and he said: "Hey I'm Rick." I said, "Hey you probably already know my name." He said, "You coming home because that's what I am doing." When he said that he was going home he had this huge smile on his face and he was looking at Coby. I said, "No I'm being deployed for the first time ...my other squad members are on this plane but we got separated." Rick looked at me and said in a serious tone "good luck man, and I mean it." I gave him a small smile and said: "Thanks man I appreciate it." The stewardess then interrupted us and asked if we wanted a drink and I said: "Water please?" She then asked in a cup or bottle. I replied, "Bottle please thanks." She gave me it and asked the two people next to me what they wanted. Then She asked Coby and Rick. Coby said "A wader bottle." Rick asked for the same thing. 

     Hours pass and the captain alerted that we were close to landing. I grew nervous because one more plane ride and I will be in Iraq serving my first tour. Rick said, "Hey where are you going I forgot to ask?" I said "I am being deployed to Iraq" I took a huge breathe in. Rick said, "Hey Drake don't be nervous, think positive alright?" I nodded. I was playing with my hands and we finally landed and I got up ....got my bags that I brought on the plane and got off. I saw Meat and Dash standing there and I walked to them and said: "How was the flight guys?" They said, "Good, boring though." I agreed. Jack and Elliot appeared and were heading until I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Rick and Coby standing there. I smiled and walked to them and said: "Hey what's up?" Rick said, "Just wanted to say good luck again and I know you have been told this many times but keep your head up out there, you really need to." I smiled and said, "Thanks Rick I definitely will do that but thank you for your service too, man it's not all about me right now haha." Rick smiled and said "Thanks, bro." Coby said "Good wuck new vest briend." I smiled and said "Thanks Coby, this means a lot coming from you guys" They both smiled and I introduced everyone. I said, "Ok we got to go now don't want to be late haha." They laughed but said goodbye. We retrieved our bags and made it to the last plane and went abroad.

15 hours later (I don't know how long to get from America to Iraq so bear with me haha) 

    We are finally in Iraq and I was equipped with my gun and everything. When we got out of the plane we had to be in lines and listen to the directions. 

    After the directions, they told us where we were living in. My squad got our own tent. I  picked a bed near the back, to the right of me was Meat. The one to the left of me was Dash. Next to Dash Elliot picked. then next to Meat, Jack took. The other side of the tent was Nick, Kyle, Mike, Tommy, and Fisher. I know I haven't talked about them because I just met them now haha. All of a sudden our captain comes in and tells us to hurry up and get ready. We are all ready and he told us to run and when we got back made us practice shooting and throwing grenades. He also made us practice on finding mines. 

   After lunch, we had to patrol, but not anywhere crazy because it's our first day. When we got back it was time to eat dinner. we ate and had some fun. We got back to our tent and I asked if I could borrow someone's computer to see if I could chat with my family. Tommy lent him to me. I opened my chat and my mom was online, I have a feeling she won't log off because she wants to make sure I would know she's on. haha, my mom is crazy but I love her. I called her but she wasn't on so I hung up and logged off and went to sleep. The first day of my tour was a crazy day but I have a feeling I would be seeing crazier days than this.

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